1)https://freeexampapers.com/exam-papers/IB/ (感谢坛友 “ DanielYuan716 ”提供链接)2)https://examsnap.io/files/index.php/s/IB_Past_Papers?path=%2FGroup%205%20-%20Mathematics%2FMathematics%20HL登录密码:exansnap (感谢坛友“Herb”提供链接)有同学提及不能访问,有可能是你使用的浏览器的问题...
This student-led initiative allows users to contribute past papers and other study resources to a free repository online.There are quite a few free English A SL/HL papers availableon the site. You'll have to navigate a kind of clunky file interface to find them, but once you do, you'll...
【资源汇总】IB各科..本帖为IB课程 pastpapers 分享汇总帖欢迎广大吧友发布 pastpapers 及 problem sets,互通有无,共同进步凡发现恶意灌水和发布不良广告,直接删帖禁言
IB chemistry past papers solutions chemistry paper 1 chemistry topic wise solution chemistry HL & SL Past papers solution Ib chemistry On Screen solution
Looking for past papers for other IB tests?We've got you covered with our full collections forIB English,Math,Physics,Chemistry,Geography, andEconomics. Want more information on the IB program?Learn how it works withour introductory guideand see a list ofall the courses you can take in the...
1999-2018 ..我是2019年马上要考试的IB学生!真心想分享给你们1991-2018年所有科目的Past Papers 把邮箱留给我告诉我你们需要的paper,纯帮忙!PS:还想和现在正在Suffer或者即将要su
Mind My Grades offers you free as IB MYP Past Papers, IB Practice Test Online, and Cambridge Checkpoint Questions to improve your skills and face competitive examination with full confidence.
Past Papers (1999-2013)目前有:1. Math HL (Math除了1999-2013也有2014的)2. Physics HL3. Physics SL4. English B HL5. Chinese A1 SL6. Economics HL 鬼鬼鬼鬼 人中龙凤 11 EBook PearsonGROUP 1English A: LiteratureGROUP 2Spanish BFrench BEnglish BGROUP 3History: 20th Century World, Causes,...
1、刷题强度:我在考试前 1-2个月开始有节奏地刷题,刷的主要是从2006到2022年的pastpapers。白天上课的话我会保证每天3张卷子(每个科目各一张,Paper123轮流做-有时候看心情)。如果全天都是自习,一天刷5-6张(doubleworkload). 2、刷题时间:刷题的时候我会规定自己在某个时间内完成卷子。我定的时间一般比IB...
IB Physics HL - Past Papers In the Past Papers section, you will find full worked solutions to the questions asked on previous IB Physics HL (Higher Level) Exams. Within each video, an experienced IB teacher will guide you through the solution, step-by-step. Past Paper Solutions Specimen ...