IB 经济学 Economics|真题解析|2018M T2 Paper 1 Section A 1. (a)|government subsidy 225 4 11:21 App IB 经济学 Economics|真题解析|2021M T2 Paper 1 Section A 1. (b) | price floors 191 4 5:59 App IB 经济学 Economics|真题解析|2019M T2 Paper 1 Section A 1. (a)|price floor&demer...
Sample questions 样例问题▼ Paper 1 Explain two reasons why a government might set a price ceiling (maximum price) on a good. Using real-world examples, discuss the consequences of a price ceiling on stakeholders. 解释政府可能对商品设定价格上限(最高价格)的两个原因。使用真实存在的例子,讨论价格...
Paper 2 主要题型是数据分析题(Data Response),主要考察的是国际经济和发展经济学。 SL的IA主要是要求学生结合某个现实问题,写3篇字数在750字左右的经济学评论文章,这个文章是校内评估的,由IB学校的老师进行打分。 Sample questions 样例问题 ▼ Paper 1 Explain two reasons why a government might set a price ...
为期三天的Economics category 2 workshop内容丰富,日程紧凑,干货满满。来自亚太地区5所国际学校的8位学科老师在教学经验丰富的Workshop Leader的带领下进行了激烈的头脑风暴,就学科的国际化思维 (international mindedness) 、课程与TOK、ATL的联系、经济卷面考试P...
5月15日——SL/HL Paper 2 5月16日——SL/HL Paper1 + HL Paper 3 (图源:IBO官网) IB经济高分冲刺笔记 学科难点 IB经济高分冲刺最容易遇到的两大绊脚石,就是英语读写能力不足和缺乏经济理论论述思维。 扩大词汇量、锻炼书面表达能力 IB经济对英语的读写能力要求非常高,考试中不仅需要快速阅读相关经济类文章...
And here arethe sample questions for the IB Economics HL paper: Paper 1 Explain two tools open to a central bank to conduct expansionary monetary policy. Using real-world examples, evaluate the effectiveness of monetary policy to achieve low unemployment. ...
Also be sure to check outthe sample exam questions at the end of your course brief. Even though they don’t come with a mark scheme to allow you to review how you did, they’ll still give you a chance to study the concepts and practice writing in the time allowed. Plus, these are...
Paper 3(分值50分)仅限HL课程,问题涵盖了微观经济学、宏观经济学、国际经济学和发展经济学。内容通常...
Please look at the sample questions and answers below to give you further insight into how to define, analyse and evaluate effectively. New Material Posted in January 2015 Answering Paper 1 Economics 11 Extended Response Test – Micro 1
Thus far, students in grades 6 and 7 have finished 41,324 questions. Very well done! The IB office has prepared monthly awards for the top five students in each grade level who responded to the most questions. 今年给六...