近日,2024燎原双语艺术暨IB DP艺术展在燎原校园举行,来自燎原双语各学部的学生作品汇聚一堂,诠释燎原学子看待世界的不同视角,更是燎原双语重视“美育”,鼓励学生大胆创新的生动体现。 线上艺术展持续进行中 https://www.artsteps.com/view/65f3...
ART EXHIBITION有人创造“美”有人欣赏“美”阔别一年的等待燎原双语艺术展暨IB DP艺术展再度开启诚邀终身学习者们莅临现场与我们一起感受燎原学子的创意和灵感一起在“美”的世界中沉浸、思考、激荡2024 LYBS VISUAL ART & IB DP ART本届艺术展以“感知”为主题,由燎原高中国际课程班主办,于3月22日上午8:30...
Time has come once again this year to celebrate the LYBS VISUAL ART & IB DP Art exhibition which will be open again soon for all our community to enjoy! The theme of this year's art exhibition is "Perception", which will vividly illustrate the points of view of LYBS students inspired by...
在IB 课程的 MYP 第五年的时候,或者从别的课程的十年级想要选择 IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme)的时候,学生都会面临课程选择的问题。由于 DP 课程一旦选定就很难更改,因为课程进度紧凑,中途换课也显得很不现实。所以选择适当的课程对于IB 最关键两年的学习还有以后的学习生活都至关重要,这篇文章...
IB DP Column 01 Innovate with User-Centered Wooden Educational Toys 木制益智玩具——你玩了吗? 02 IBDP Chemistry: Hands-On Inquiry and Skill Development Through Experimental Learning 通过实验学习动手探究和技能发展 03 Retrospection:...
IB Visual arts exhibition SPHS IB Visual Art Students Showcase/SPHS Library LISten HEre The IB Diploma Programme is an academically challenging and balanced programme that prepares 11th & 12th grade students for success at university and life beyond. The programme is taught over two years and culmi...
This year our students chose nuanced themes that ranged from identity and aspects of their personal struggles and triumphs to critiques and celebrations of culture and all the spaces inbetween. Our IB Diploma Programme Visual Arts course encourages stude
The Art, Craft & Photography Exhibition organized by the Visual & Performing Arts Department on the 22nd of March 2024, at our school, was a vibrant showcase of creativity and talent. Students poured their hearts into their artwork, creating pieces that ranged from intricate painting to elaborate...
We would like to congratulate our IB Diploma students on their outstanding results this year for achieving a100% pass rate. This was a very unusual year where the IBO had to organise exceptional assessment arrangements. TheInternational Baccalaureate Diploma Progr...