UCC作为全球四所被选中的学校之一,正引领着IB课程的重大变革。这次变革不仅在学术上有着深远的影响,而且对全球教育模式也提出了新的挑战。📚 传统IB DP:这是全球所有IB学校都在采用的路径,学生毕业后将获得IB文凭和OSSD。🌱 新推出的IB Diploma Programme Courses Pathway:这个路径为学生提供了更灵活的选课机会,...
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) curriculum sets out the requirements for study of the DP. Thecurriculumis made up of the DP core and six subject groups. Made up of the three required components, the DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and c...
All courses are taught over the two years of the Diploma Programme. The Diploma Programme has six main areas of study. All schools authorized to teach the DP have a similar structure, but may have different subject offerings due to their size and interests of the students. Students choose ...
In the IB Diploma Programme, the students receive grades ranging from 7 to 1, where 7 is the highest grade, and 1 is the lowest. Students receive a grade for each subject they’ve attempted and their final diploma score is the combined scores of each subject. The highest a student can ...
IB Diploma students will be intellectually courageous within the range of subjects that they study and will be equipped for a greater choice of undergraduate degree programmes. The skill set that Diploma Programme students develop, especially through experiencing the IB ‘Core’ are highly valued by ...
高中阶段见到的IB课程全称为IBDP,International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, 是国际文凭组织(International Baccalaureate Organization,简称IBO)提供的文凭项目之一。与AP学生每年自己选择科目学习并决定是否参加考试不同,IBDP是一个11-12年级的两年项目。在这两年里学生从IB提供的科目里选择6门课程学习,这6门课程均为两...
As an official IB World School, our school has been authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to offer the IB Diploma Programme (DP) at senior school level. We also work hard and expect to be authorized to offer the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) in October 2019. ...
IB组织成立于1968年,旨在为3到18岁的学生提供国际认可的教育体系。其中,国际文凭课程(International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,简称IBDP)是面向16到18岁学生的高中课程,其目标是为这一年龄段的学生提供国际认可的大学入学资格。 在广州,...
IBDP,即International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,是11-12年级的两年制课程。满分45分,其中核心课程满分3分,学科课程满分42分,总分24分以上为及格。 核心课程(DP Core):包含理论知识(TOK)、拓展论文(EE)和创造力、行动、服务(CAS)三大部分。TOK和EE的分数会计算在IB最终成绩中,换算后的两部分满分为三分。
IB Diploma Programme curriculum 阅读):0. 明确自己的目标。你想上什么大学?你想有一段怎样的IB经历...