我们应该立刻想到相关的基础知识。 1.对人物的正面描写(心理、神态、动作、语言等) 2.对人物的侧面描写(借助其他人物对比衬托,借助物象、环境烘托等) 点击下面链接查看原文 IB中文A文学Paper1实例分析 -eChineseLearningwww.echineselearning.com/zh-hans/blog/ib-chinese-literature.html...
【Day 2】paper 1 解题 以Chinese literature SL 的paper1为例,从2013年到2017年的第一篇文章,体裁不外乎小小说、写景散文、写物散文、记叙文。我们在前面说过,IBDP的实质是大学预科课程,它要训练学生的学术研…
IB中文A-Chinese literature SL paper1 真题写作干货分享,主要是因为部分学生上完中学出国留学学IB的,语文课考试成绩还能够,因此语言表达能力还好,并不像以前教师带过的一些学员,功底很差,写一段话都是语病。但同学们的问题取决于不清楚怎么着手,教师看了他的工作,教师给的评论是结构混乱,许多地区前后左右反...
一、IB文学Paper1:考核的核心与形式 IB文学Paper1的考核与语言与文学略有不同,更加侧重于文学语言分析素养的考核,简而言之,就是要求考生分析作者如何通过特定的文学手法来表达主题。这里的“手法”涵盖了广泛的文学技巧,如象征、隐喻、对比、讽刺等,而“主题”则是指作品所探讨的核心思想或情感。 在考试形...
IB中文学习干货知识(三):paper 2 答题 以paper2考试真题【经典小说】为事例: 小说集中的角色常被放置矛盾当中,并须在这类矛盾所提供的道德困境中挣脱。要以学过过的最少两个著作为例子,较为对比创作者怎样体现这类矛盾。 最先大家必须选中一个细读过的文字,例如巴金的《家》和老舍的《骆驼祥子》,随后要明确写...
IB中文A-Chinese literature SL paper1 真题写作干货分享,主要是因为部分学生上完中学出国留学学IB的,语文课考试成绩还能够,因此语言表达能力还好,并不像以前教师带过的一些学员,功底很差,写一段话都是语病。 但同学们的问题取决于不清楚怎么着手,教师看了他的工作,教师给的评论是结构混乱,许多地区前后左右反复,关...
Males had significantly higher incidence and prevalence rate of NAFLD, consistent with literature reports33,34. Of the NAFLD patients, 15 had a history of other medical conditions, including hypertension as the most common condition other than NAFLD (1 in the ZSP1601 50 mg QD group, 2 in ...
Anti-PD-1 antibodies are a favorable treatment for relapsed or refractory extranodal natural killer T cell lymphoma (RR-ENKTL), however, the complete response (CR) rate and the duration of response (DOR) need to be improved. This phase 1b/2 study investigated the safety and efficacy of sin...
Wei Ni wrote the paper. Wei Ni and Jidong He are equal contributors and co-first authors. Acknowledgments This study was financially supported by the project grant from the Health and Family Planning Commission of Sichuan Province, China, no. 16PJ199. References Citing Literature...
In an effort to enhance the existing, scant literature on Flood syndrome, this paper investigates its accompanying complications and the various treatment methods utilized.Intraperitoneally transplanted kidneys, in rare instances, are susceptible to internal bowel herniation under the ureter, a complication...