2. 正常教学内容知识点数量降低 按照官方的说法是整体的知识点量会被降低,但会加深个别重点知识点的学习 官方也释放了一份简易的 syllabus (知识点)清单 不难看出,IB 的新考纲摒弃了以往松散的纯纯 按 知识点分章节的习惯,更强调了知识点之间的联系 优点:知识点数量降低,强调了化学思维的连续性,方便构建化...
paper 3 虽然移除了,但不是说Option 完全不考,按照官方的意思,是会从这4个option 中挑出一些知识点放入正常教学中 * 但说句实话,这4个option的知识点太多,且知识点间难度差异较大,最终的带来的影响,还有待之后官方的 Chemistry Guide 释放后,进行考证 优点: 考卷减少,整体难度降低 缺点: 原本只需要学一个optio...
IB Chemistry may not be quite as easy as this penguin makes it seems.So to help you out, I have compiled the best FREE online IB Chemistry Study Guides and Notes into one helpful article.I've organized this IB Chemistry Study Guide using the order laid out in theIB Chemistry Syllabus. ...
第1步:确定IB 官方Chemistry Guide中的考点范围 官方的化学指南对获得7分是最重要的(TD的IB备考资料...
1 The mass spectrometer 1 Electron arrangement2 Bonding12.5 Ionic bonding2 Covalent bonding6 Intermolecular forces2 Metallic bonding0.5 Physical Properties2 Energetics8Suzanne Spence
Lastly, the IB has made a few changes to the assessment model of IB Chemistry. For external assessments, all students will take only 2 examinations: Paper 1, which is divided into 1A and 1B sections, and Paper 2. Internal assessment has also changed slightly. Where the old syllabus require...
Economics Guide (考试之前一定要过一遍guide里面syllabus的考点,查漏补缺,因为任何出现在syllabus的内容都有可能被考到。) Group 4 Sciences Group 4 我选择了物理和化学SL。平时看课本理解概念之后就去刷题总结规律,将不会的题整理成错题集,并在一旁标注易错点和考点。考前看一本高质量的错题集就够了。同时考...
BioNinja是一个免费资源网站,生物笔记非常完整,可以根据IB syllabus和study guide进行复习,是最完整的生物笔记网站。内容全面、架构清晰,可自学或者当教材,有详细的理论解释,还有精美的图表和视频,但是没有历年真题。 (https://ib.bioninja.com.au) BioKnowledgy ...
BioNinja是一个免费资源网站,生物笔记非常完整,可以根据IB syllabus和study guide进行复习,是最完整的生物笔记网站。内容全面、架构清晰,可自学或者当教材,有详细的理论解释,还有精美的图表和视频,但是没有历年真题。 BioKnowledgy BioKnowledgy免费为IB生物学提供笔记和资源,每个子课题都有内置的ppt、视频、带有基于教学...
Chemistry for the IB Diploma Chemistry has been written specially for students following the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. The book exactly follows the syllabus order: the main sections within chapters refer to the syllabus subtopics, and the the latest ... C Talbot,H Education 被引量...