No doubt that the IBDP prepared me with enough knowledge and skills to start my university life. The challenging and in-depth study in Biology and Chemistry classes helped me be better prepared for my university courses. S...
specifically focusing on the areas which I had previously highlighted and annotated on. Then, I would consolidate and test my knowledge by doing questions from my tutor's topic-specific past paper booklets, or from a question bank. After
Question Bank(这个网站,大家可以直接从 IB Documents 进入到这个网站,目前有 Bio,Chem,三个 math 学科以及 Geo 等学科的题库。 学科复习资源网站 1.生物-BioNinja ▲网址: 对Biology 来说,除了根据官方 syllabus 和 ppt 还有官方 study gu... Biology for Life这个网站是由美国华盛顿Skyline High School的IB教师von Barg...
平时理科刷Question bank的网址是
Question Bank LoginRegister (It's Free)The largest IB ResourcesPlatform on the planet*PERIOD* Access over 4,938+ IB examiner-led videos spread over 1,120+ hours, 234+ solved past papers, 38,061+ topic-wise practice questions with in-depth explanations, 5,912+ IB notes, 53,434+ IB flas...
Biology Higher LevelPhysics Higher LevelPhysics Standard LevelChemistry Higher LevelChemistry Standard LevelGROUP 5Mathematical StudiesStandard Level MathmaticsHIgher Level MathematicsTOKTheory of Knowledge 鬼鬼鬼鬼 人中龙凤 11 鬼鬼鬼鬼 人中龙凤 11 Pearson Ebook 质量完全保证! 全部都不是扫描版本, 无比清晰...
Question Bank(这个网站,大家可以直接从 IB Documents 进入到这个网站,目前有 Bio,Chem,三个 math 学科以及 Geo 等学科的题库。 学科复习资源网站 1.生物-BioNinja ▲网址: 对Biology 来说,除了根据官方 syllabus 和 ppt 还有官方 study gu...