02、学习规划与学法指导 IB生物对于词汇量要求比较高,题目中也会有大段的文字描述实验和现象,也要求学生用大段的文字来进行回答,另外,内部评估(IA)要求学生完成完整的论文。 基于以上原因,一般建议托福90分以上或雅思6.5分以上可以选择IB SL的学习,托福100分以上或雅思7分以上可以选择IB HL的学习。 IB DP生物自成...
我的课程看不清的话是这些:ENG LANG&LIT HL, SPANISH SL,math hl, biology sl(我在想着换成chem hl或者bio hl), history HL, psychology SL, IBMYP Painting/Drawing/Print(PR) (说实在的我很疑惑;为什么我能上myp的课,我都10年级了,是不是别的地方也这样啊?还有我在想着换成virtual arts,sl还是hl...
内部评估 IAIB Biology 个人调查 (IA) 可以在三人及以下的小组中进行合作规划和实验,允许收集在不同的自变量或因变量中得到的数据,但每个学生都必须有独立研究的方向。 生物IA有上限3000字的字数限制,对Conclusion和Evaluation这2个板块尤其重视,建议学生10小时内完成,占最终分数的20%。 改版后的IB生物依旧没有在计...
, show interest, communicate it with real life, show independent thinking, etc. Furthermore, try to demonstrate it with your interest and curiosity. Apart from this, our Biology IA tutors also help find the best IA research question so you can easily relate it to a real-life example....
Biology for Life是美高的一名IB教师Von Bargen为自己的学生创建的网站,资源全部公开,而且与IB课程大纲一致,拥有丰富的资源,包括了课程大纲、摘要笔记、教学简报等等,可以作为学习补充。 IB经济学习网站 1 DineshBakAhi DineshBakAhi虽然小众,但是可以找到很多graph范例,把IB的cheat sheet整理得非常详尽,很有参考和学习价...
I have over 10 years of experience teaching senior secondary students, specialising in teaching DSE/IAL/IGCSE/IB biology. I also have a great track record, including increasing students’ grades by several tiers by the end of one semester/summer of intensive tutoring. Many of my students have ...
Top class International Baccalaureate(ib) tutors is one of the best ib tutorials available in the world. We offer expert private/ home tutors for ib math physics chemistry biology english economics business studies and management. We help ib students i
1.IB Course companion: Biology Course Companionby A. Allot and D. Mindorff 本教材由Andrew Allott 和 David Mindorff 与 IBO合作直接开发,包含 SL/HL 教学大纲中每个主题的详细解释、每个主题的练习题,条理清晰,但不包含学习策略或考试策略。 2. Biology for the IB Diplomaby CJ Clegg ...
Nature of science (NOS) is an overarching theme inthe DP biology, chemistry and physics courses thatexplores conceptual understandings related to thepurpose, features and impact of scientific knowledge. “ 考试的改革 External assessment ·所有学生只有两...