IB全球政治IA(Internal Assessment)是IB全球政治课程的内部评估,是学习IB全球政治SL和HL学生对感兴趣的...
IBKYAW WAI IB1I KYAW WAI IB1I CHEMISTRYIA(2) TITRATION OF ACID & ALKALI Name: KYAW WAI Date: 5th February 2013IACRITERIA ASSESSED: DCP‚ MS Declaration I declare that this report I have submitted is my own original work and I have acknowledged the use of words or ideas of another ...
Lebrun, P. 1971. Écologie et biocenotique de quelques peuplements d’arthropodes édaph-iques.Inst. R. Sci. Nat. Belg. Mem.165:1–203. Google Scholar Lebrun, P. 1977. Comparaison des effets des températures constantes ou variables sur la durée de développement deDamaeus onustus(...