对于法语零基础或是基础弱的学生,我们推荐法语 ab initio课程。我们为每一位学生设了具有挑战性的、生动有趣的线上课程,并提供积极的学习体验。通过在线学习法语 ab initio课程,学生能够提高他们的理解、创作以及互动技能;与全球各地的师生共同学习;能够成功融入法语环境。 M2025 Year 1 ¥12,598 * M2025 Yea...
--SL:Economics, French 想给大家出一篇选课秘籍很久啦!终于如期而至~ Nino建议大家可以遵循以下4个原则来选课~ 花最少的力气 拿最高的分 Method 1: 选三门语言 中文A HL/SL + 英文B HL + 西班牙/法语 Ab Initio (此combination适用于大学想申语言类专业的) 中文A lan&lit HL和SL对于母语是中文的我们...
在37所学校之中,仅有港岛中学(Island School)一所学校开设了5门课程。 从语言B-Ab initio课程开设情况来看,西班牙语、法语、汉语普通话均是开设学校数量较多的课程。其中,拔萃男书院开设的本类别语言课程数量最多,共开设4种课程。 在第三组个人与社...
IB Diploma Program (Call for quick service: 9385-5548) IB French tuition (Ab Initio, B SL, B HL) classes for students in Singapore by native French tutor. Take our course online Zoom on days and evenings of your convenience.The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) was developed...
至于语言习得(Language Acquisition)的类别,也就是语言B中,学生就可以选择一项第二语言,以香港的学生为例,普遍会选择中文B或英文B,又或者其他语言如法文B; 或修读新语言 (Ab Initio), 如西班牙语 (Spanish Ab Initio) 或法语 (French Ab initio) 等。
Language acquisition was another area of strength for ISNS students. InFrenchAb Initio SL, students achieved an average score of 6.00, compared to the global average of 4.78. In French B SL, ISNS students achieved an a...
IB DP提供科目:Egnlish Lan&Lit、Chinese Lan&Lit、English B、Chinese B、Chinese AB Initio、Spanish AB Initio、History、Business Management、Economics、Environmental Systems and Societies、Physics、Chemistry、Design Technology、Environmental Systems and Societies、Math Apps、Math Analysis 6. 桃園市立大園國際...
IB SL Chinese ab initio IB SL Chinese B IB HL English A: Literature IB SL Philosophy IB SL French ab-initio IB SL French B IB HL French B IB SL Global Politics IB HL Global Politics IB SL History IB HL History IB HL Economics ...
IB French Ab Initio French A (HL and SL) IB French B (HL and SL) Ab initio means the start or the beginning. Students with no prior knowledge of the French language choose this. It has only SL level. At the same time, the students who have previous knowledge of French choose either...