价值链中的每个人都将受益"。 注:航司零售成熟度指数认证(ARM Index) ARM Index是由IATA推出的评估航空公司在航空零售领域成熟度的认证体系,主要从航司场景“数字化能力验证、合作伙伴部署情况、航旅零售战略实施”三方面进行评估,是NDC与ONE Order认证的全面升...
ARM Index是由IATA推出的评估航空公司在航空零售领域成熟度的认证体系,主要从航司场景“数字化能力验证、合作伙伴部署情况、航旅零售战略实施”三方面进行评估,是NDC与ONE Order认证的全面升级,旨在帮助航空公司更快从传统单一的机票供应商向航旅新零售转型。 END 翻译| 中飞院民航翻译中心 邓冬群 审校| 中飞院民航...
UNIFIFI正式获得国际航协新零售ARM Index Seller认证 产品与技术 UNIFIFI正式获得国际航协新零售ARM Index Seller认证 Unififi Group是一家提供全球机票B2B实时采购和售后服务的机票整合供应服务商,我具有四大洲IATA 代理人资质及新零售NDC/ARM认证。主打产品:Unififi Cloud APIConnect, Unififi 代理人采买通,以及...
Get started with NDC. INTERNAL PAGES iata.org 1 IATA - IATA Cargo Home http://www.iata.org/whatwedo/cargo/Pages/index.aspx Customs and Trade Facilitation. Value of Air Cargo. In 2016, airlines transported 52 million metric tons of goods, representing more than 35% of global trade by valu...
Distribution and payment: implementing NDC and regulating interlining flights This part is about IATA trying to simplify and enhance the customer shopping and purchasing experience both before and during the flight. One of the main initiatives here is New Distribution Capability (NDC)– a new data ...
Get started with NDC. INTERNAL PAGES iata.org 1 IATA - IATA Cargo Home http://www.iata.org/whatwedo/cargo/Pages/index.aspx Customs and Trade Facilitation. Value of Air Cargo. In 2016, airlines transported 52 million metric tons of goods, representing more than 35% of global trade by...
"ARM Index qualification is an important milestone for us. We are very proud to become one of the very few sellers globally that have this capability. NDC inititiave is driving more opportunities to serve passenger-centric offerings. As a consolidator, we could deepen our digital retailing role...