SDFKSDF路易维尔国际机场(Louisville International Airport)美国 . 肯塔基州 CLEKCLE克利夫兰机场(Cleveland Hopkins International Airport )美国 . 俄亥俄 DETKDET底特律机场(Coleman A Young Municipal Airport )美国 . 密执安 LCKKLCK哥伦布机场(Rickenbacker International Airport )美国 . 俄亥俄 ...
Find Airport city codes Alphabetically Worldwide. You will see a list of airport abbreviations for all the countries in the world beginning with the 3 letter code. Find the name of the country you're interested in beside the 3 letter code and you will have your 3 letter airport code. Note...
SKP LWSK Alexander the Great Airport Customs Skopje Macedonia SXB LFST Strasbourg International Airport Customs Strasbourg France SLC KSLC Salt Lake City International Airport Customs Salt Lake City USA SHJ OMSJ Sharjah International Airport Customs Sharjah United Arab Emirates SDF KSDF Louisville Intern...