Seabay's Airline Code & Prefix Finder has collected over 900 airlines' codes, prefixes, official websites and tracking pages. You can find an airline easily by searching airline's name, IATA code, or 3-digit AWB prefix code. What are Airline Codes?
IATA、IATAMAPTWOAIRLINECODEPREFIXCODETHREEAIPORTCODEAIFFREIGHT IATA简介 •IATA(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)国际航空运输协会•成立于1945年,总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,执行总部在日内瓦,东北亚办事处位于北京。•国际航空运输企业联盟,非营利、半官方的国际机构。大陆有十家航空公司是IATA的成员。•目前共有...
Airline Name IATA AWB Prefix Country Kingdom States航空公司名称IATA运单前缀国国国 热度: 航空(iata)代码表(Aviation(IATA)codetable) Aviation(IATA)codetable ACKACKNOWLEDGEMENTMESSAGEconfirmationmessage ACMRREFUNDCREDITMEMOrefundnotice ACMAAGENCYCREDITMEMOcompanynotice ...
For instance, IATA codes (numbers) are used everywhere traveling and aviation intersect. Think airline designator codes for reservations, ticketing, scheduling, and documentation; a prefix code to classify passengers and cargo; a baggage tag issuer code to simplify baggage handling; and a location ...
data.airlinePrefix= tdItems[3].innerText; data.pax= tdItems[4].innerText; flightList.push(data); } }returnflightList; });consoleOutPut(`完成解析第${pageNumber}的数据...`);if(parseResult.length>0) { pageEmitter.emit('writeToDB', parseResult, pageNumber); ...
文档标签: 运单 航空 name iata awb Name IATA AWB 航空公司 Awb 系统标签: iata awb 前缀 airline prefix 航空公司 AirlineNameIATA AWBPrefix Country ABAirlinesCargo 7L 698 UnitedKingdom ABSACargoAirline M3 549 Brazil ABXAir GB 832 UnitedStates ACES‐AerolineasCentraldeColombia VX 137 Colombia AdaAir...
elementPath = '.airlinecodessearchblock'; await pageHandle.waitForSelector(elementPath); } 获取页面数据函数 async function getPageData(pageHandle, pageNumber) { console.log(`开始解析第${pageNumber}的数据...`); const parseResult = await pageHandle.evaluate(() => { ...
This information can be left blank and completed by the agent or airline. Airport of Destination—Enter the full name of the airport or city of destination. The three-letter airport code is not acceptable. This information can be left blank and completed by the agent or airline. S...
elementPath = '.airlinecodessearchblock'; await pageHandle.waitForSelector(elementPath); } 获取页面数据函数 async function getPageData(pageHandle, pageNumber) { console.log(`开始解析第${pageNumber}的数据...`); const parseResult = await pageHandle.evaluate(() => { ...