IAS Plus 20 Dec 2024 Launch of the redesigned IAS Plus website Deloitte is pleased to announce the launch of its redesigned IAS Plus website. IAS Plus continues to be a comprehensive source of up-to-date financial and sustainability reporting related news and content. ...
Deloitte's IAS Plus website provides comprehensive information about international financial reporting in general and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) activities in particular — a central knowledge repository on International Financia
McDonnell, John (IAS 36): IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, in: Accountancy Ireland December/2005, S. 17-19.IAS PLUS 2005, IAS 36, Impairment of Assets, viewed 15 April 2015, .RILEY, S. 2002. IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets. Asso...
IAS Plus 最新资讯. 国际财务报告准则 2010 年度改进 国际会计准则理事会(IASB)于2010 年5月6日发布了《国际财务报告准则 的2010年度改进》 - 包括对7项国际 财务报告准则(IFRS)的修订.这是 IASB根据年度改进程序发布的第三批 修订,该程序旨在对国际财务报告准 则进行并非迫切的必要修订. 下文的表格列出了所有...
These standards are substantially converged with IFRS, except for certain modifications (eg to disallow the reversal of impairment losses on long-term assets), which allegedly reflect China's unique circumstances and environment (iasplus.com 2014). Chinese companies are required to disclose similar ...
IAS Plus features: Newsabout global financial reporting developments, presented intuitively with related news,publications, events and more Summaries of allstandards, interpretations andprojects, with complete histories of developments and standard-setter discussions together with related news and publications ...
德勤IAS Plus 网站 由德勤维护的IAS Plus网站 (英文网站)在互联网上提供关于国际财务报告准则的最佳综合资讯。该网站旨在面向会计专业人员、企业、财务分析员、准则制定者与监管者、以及会计教育工作者和学员。该完全免费的网站拥有关于国际会计准则理事会(International Accounting Standards Board)及国际财务报告准则(...
For more in ormation please see the ollowing websites: .iasplus .deloitte IFRS in Focus Amendments to IAS 36 – recoverable amount disclosures IFRS Global o fce June 2013 The Bottom Line • The amendments to IAS 36 restrict the requirement to disclose the recoverable amount of an asset or...
According to IAS Plus (2010), IFRS refers to... ER Outa - 《Social Science Electronic Publishing》 被引量: 37发表: 2011年 Modelling and H ∞ control of a single-link flexible manipulator The aim of this study is to investigate motion in the horizontal and the vertical planes of a ...
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