The unique solution for the achievement of these requirements is the harmonization of the Romanian accounting with the common acquis disposals and, in the same time, the effective application of IFRS.TrifViorelAnnals Economic ScienceVasile, C., "IAS and IFRS impact over the ...
Just imagine you work in a construction of real estate and you’re affected by IFRS 15. Some contracts run for 10 or 15 years … OK, I finish here and leave it to your imagination. UPDATE 2018:I have written few articles about IFRS 15 and you can check them out here: IFRS 15 Examp...
国际会计准则——ias8 .pdf,IAS 18 International Accounting Standard 18 Revenue This version includes amendments resulting from IFRSs issued up to 31 December 2008. IAS 18 Revenue was issued by the International Accounting Standards Committee in December 1
国际会计准则IASIFRS中文繁体版本IFRS3-1.pdf,國際財務報導準則第 3 號(2010 年版) 正體中文版草案企業合併徵求意見函 (僅準則部分對外徵求意見,有意見者請於100 年 1月 15日 前,將意見以電子郵件方式寄至 tifrs@ardf.org.tw )財團法人中華民
IFRS 3 Business Combinations 15 3. IAS 38 Intangible Assets 25 4. IAS 36 Impairment of Assets 32 5. Determinants of compliance levels with disclosures mandated by IFRS 3, IAS 38 and IAS 36 41 6. Conclusions 62 Appendix: Screen-shot of the database developed and used for the data ...
繁体ifrsias版本准则会计 國際財務報導準則第2號(2010年版) 正體中文版草案 股份基礎給付 (僅準則部分對外徵求意見,有意見者請於100年3月5日前, 將意見以電子郵件方式寄至tifrs@ardf.tw) 財團 法人 中華民國會計研究發展基金會 國際會計準則翻譯覆審專案委員會 徵求意見函 國際國際國際國際財務報導財務報導財務報導...
ifrsias动向准则会计全球 OVERSEAS EXPERIENCE 黧淤 他山之石 与IAS/IFRS的发展动向 全球会计准则的提出及其内涵 ■王清刚 李庆友 在现代交通、通讯、信息、网络等高科技手段下,经济全 球化已成为当前国际经济发展的一个最明显的特征。经济全球 化迫切要求会计标准在全球范围内实现统一和可比。为此, 2001年4月1日完成...
These companies are required to prepare consolidated IFRS financial statements from 2007 onwards. See Regulation No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council from 19 July 2002. 15. Where possible, we include companies appearing on multiple indices in the countries where they are ...
Generalfeatures15 FairpresentationandcompliancewithIFRSs15 Goingconcern25 Accrualbasisofaccounting27 Materialityandaggregation29 Offsetting32 Frequencyofreporting36 Comparativeinformation38 Consistencyofpresentation45 STRUCTUREANDCONTENT47 Introduction47 Identificationofthefinancialstatements49 ...