先是下载过程中有许多警告,然后就是提示无法跳断点,找不到main方法,每次烧程序都出现: The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint on "main". The Stack window will not be able to display stack contents. (You can change this setting in the Tool>Options dialog box.)的警告。程序能烧进去,只是...
在IAR AVR中出现the stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint on "main" Project->Options->linker->output->format; 选择 Debug information for c-SPY选项
提示如下:The stack plug-in failed to set breakpoint on "main"... 可做如下操作: options->Linker->output 这样就可以设置断点进行调试了. ... 查看原文 Code Composer Studio - Breakpoint Code Composer Studio -Breakpoint1.Breakpoint选中断点右键 ->BreakpointProperties… Skip Count:跳过断点总数,在断点...
为什么我每次烧程序都出现:The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint on "main". The Stack window will not be able to display stack contents. (You can change this setting in the Tool>Options dialog box.)的警告。但是程序能烧进去,只是不能调试。 A: 确认设置没有问题(和好用的工程相比) ...
The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint on "main". The Stack window will not be able to display stack contents.(You can change this setting in the Tools->Options dialog box.) 我假设这没有问题,点击继续,在Disassembly界面: 000000 0000 ??? IFG1...
The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint on "main". The Stack window will not be able to display stack contents.(You can change this setting in the Tools->Options dialog box.) 我假设这没有问题,点击继续,在Disassembly界面: 000000 0000 ??? IFG1...
为什么我每次烧程序都出现:The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint on "main". The Stack window will not be able to display stack contents. (You can change this setting in the Tool>Options dialog box.)的警告。但是程序能烧进去,只是不能调试。
为什么我每次烧程序都出现:The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint on "main". The Stack window will not be able to display stack contents. (You can change this setting in the Tool>Options dialog box.)的警告。但是程序能烧进去,只是不能调试。
为什么我每次烧程序都出现:The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint o n "main". The Stack window will not be able to display stack contents. (You can change this setting in the Tool>Options dialog box.)的警告。但是程序能烧进去,只是不能调试。A:确认设置没有问题(和好用的工程相比)...
1、Sat Jun 23, 2012 17:41:05: The stack pointer for stack 'Stack' (current ly Memory:0xF5336) is 原因:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c0cb1c0010153l9.html IAR相关设置:Tools->Option->Stack->Warn when stack pointer is out of bounds....