1.1 Broken options were detected in the project file.A backup copy will be made.图1 IAR警告Broken options 1.2 The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened 图2 IAR警告created by a newer version 1.3 The project * could not be open 图3 IAR警告...
1.1 Broken options were detected in the project file.A backup copy will be made. 图1 IAR警告Broken options 1.2 The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened 图2 IAR警告created by a newer version 1.3 The project * could not be open 图3 IAR警告could ...
Creating backup of original project file. (2)解决 同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到Linker Far22 Heap Size,删去... 三、遗留问题及诡异方法 打开eww文件,还提示图2的The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened、图3的The project * could not be open的警告,但Build...
1.1Brokenoptionsweredetectedintheprojectfile.Abackupcopywillbemade. 图1IAR警告Brokenoptions 1.2Theprojectfile*wascreatedbyanewerversionofprojectandcannotbeopened 图2IAR警告createdbyanewerversion 1.3Theproject*couldnotbeopen 图3IAR警告couldnotbeopen ...
Creating backup of original project file. (2)解决 同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到Linker Far22 Heap Size,删去 三、遗留问题及诡异方法 打开eww文件,还提示图2的The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened、图3的The project * could not be open的警告,但Build区域...
Creating backup of original project file. (2)解决 同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到Linker Far22 Heap Size,删去... 三、遗留问题及诡异方法 打开eww文件,还提示图2的The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened、图3的The project * could not be open的警告,但Build...
byanewerversionofprojectandcannotbeopened 图2IAR警告createdbyanewerversion Theproject*couldnotbeopen 图3IAR警告couldnotbeopen Build区域显示如下信息: LOAD:ConfigurationContikiBankedReleaseintheprojectContikiCC253xProjcontainsbrokenoptions fortoolGeneral:Theformatofthisfileisnotsupportedbythisversionoftheworkbench...
Creating backup of original project file. (2)解决 同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到Linker Far22 Heap Size,删去... 三、遗留问题及诡异方法 打开eww文件,还提示图2的The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened、图3的The project * could not be open的警告,但Build...
If change the compilation mode, then the rest of the project wrong building. The principle "Either this or that". I almost rework littlefs for C ++ without using macros. Macros are real Evil. But unfortunately I could not correctly replace macros: ...