1、首先是要注意工程目录不要带中文路径,如果带了中文路径可能会导致IAR一打开之后就卡住或十分卡顿,下方的文件浏览进度条会变成红色!而且关闭IAR发现无法正常退出,要使用任务管理器强制关闭软件等问题。 2、偶然发现IAR还有一个隐藏问题,有时会遇到某一工程无限Generating browse information,也就是下方的文件浏览进度条...
A dialog window (Browse For Folder) will show up pointing initially to the folder where the.ewpfile is. From there, select the desired source tree folder that will populate the active project. Usually, the project's top directory will be the natural choice. For example: Tip Each time a s...
eememc闪电下载吧 !n 細 ?G iflowideceptthe terms of me toerneag?eemem c 闪电下载吧 5?点击Changed择安装路径(默认C盘,可以不用修改,我这里改为D盘),点MNext” IAR Embedded Workbench? IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.702 foChoose t) fo Choose t) cstenation Location ?IAR SiSTf-MS 闪电下载...