Error[Pe028]: expression must have a constant value 1.错误指向IAR工程代码见下图 { 10, 10, ...
在IAR环境中有下面的代码,会出现Error: expression must have a constant value 错误,但是MDK的环境就不会出现,,能有大神帮忙看一下.static const int buff[] ={1,2,3 ...
Error[Pe028]: expression must have a constant value --- 意思是.表达式必须是常量 推论-...
"C:\Workspace\ockam\implementations\c<blah>.c",7 Error[Pe028]: expression must have a constant value Several instances of this in code base all following the same convention. const char* const assigned into an enum. File I/O function related errors ...
A:可以将IAR全部安装上,但是在编译文件时却会报这个错,原因是安装的时候没有把注册机的0x...字串的小写字母改为大写字母。 ? 4Q: “Error[e16]:?Segment CSTACK (size: 0x50 align: 0x1) is too long for segment definition. At least 0x50 more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing...
2. output file 扩展名改为.hex, 默认的是.a51 测试学习阶段可以不用.但产品量产就必须生成二进制文件. 同时programmer还有些其它的功能会常用的 Error[Pe142]: expression must have pointer-to-object type 表达式两边的类型不一样。2012.2.x uestc ...
29: Do statement must have while — Do-while语句中缺少while部分 30: Enum syntax error — 枚举类型语法错误 31: Enumeration constant syntax error — 枚举常数语法错误 32: Error directive :xxx — 错误的编译预处理命令 33: Error writing output file — 写输出文件错误 34: Expression ...
Part 1. Using the build tools 35 The IAR build tools—an overview IAR ASSEMBLER The IAR Assembler for SH is a powerful relocating macro assembler with a versatile set of directives and expression operators. The assembler features a built-in C language preprocessor and supports conditional assembly...
2. output file 扩展名改为.hex, 默认的是.a51 测试学习阶段可以不用.但产品量产就必须生成二进制文件. 同时programmer还有些其它的功能会常用的 Error[Pe142]:expression must have pointer-to-object type 表达式两边的类型不一样。2012.2.x uestc