蓝牙4.0 BLE学习时,使用的是TI的CC2540芯片,首先安装IAR 8.10.4,BLE协议栈版本为1.3.2。编译开发板的基础实验工程代码没有什么问题,点击"download and debug"按钮 尝试将代码下载到CC2540板子调试时出现“ a target cannot be selected when used in another debug session or other application”提示框,下载失败,...
IAR问题解决 关于安装驱动程序 Win 7系统 IAR在debug的时候提示的原话是a target cannot be selected when used in another debug session or in other applications Debugger需要旧版的驱动,也就是cebal.sys(新版的驱动在smartRF Studio里有,是cebal2.sys,注意区分二者!)驱动位置:C:\Windows\System32\drivers...
网上查阅资料后,下载了SmartRF Flash Programmer想要擦除CC2530的Flash,用IAR生成了HEX文件,但是显示Error in HEX file verification.然后选择了直接Erase 回到IAR下载,弹出窗口Target Selection.Note:A target cannot be selected when used in another debug session or in other applications.其中没有可选择项(SmartRF...
I have the same problem "a target cannot be selected when used in another debug session or in other applications". But I am using IAR 8.30 for 8051 with CC Debugger. I am trying to download and debugger on CC2541 DK MINI keyfob. Any idea how this happen for the new verison software...
IAR+ST-Link调试STM32时,出现Fatal error: The selected device does not match the target device错误,并且无法调试。这是 IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM 7.80.3 的一个bug,从IAR下载补丁即可解决该问题。 根据帖子 http://www.stmcu.org/module/forum/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=610247...
It provides an easy-to-learn and highly efficient development environment with maximum code inheritance capabilities, comprehensive and specific target support. IAR Embedded Workbench promotes a useful working methodology, and thus a significant reduction of the development time. The compiler, assembler, ...
To prevent damage, the target GND and the USB host GND must be at the same level. When hot-plugging, make sure that the PC and the target board power supply are connected to the same grounded wall outlet or a common grounded desktop power strip. Power up your evaluation board If you...
I am facing a small problem that whenever I debug my program, the Program Counter goes to 0xFFFE. Is this when you first load the program into the target? And your title suggested you are implementing an assembly only project, correct? The ...
<target-cpu> Set the target ARM core type 设置目标ARM核心类型 --cpu list Output a list of all the selectable CPUs 输出所有可选CPU的列表 --fpu <target-arch> Set target FP architecture version 设置目标FP架构版本 --fpu list Output a list of all selectable FP architectures 输出所有可选FP...