Ian McEwan, our foremost storyteller, returns with an ambitious, mesmerising new novel.Lessonsis a chronicle of our times - a powerful meditation on history and humanity told through the prism of one man’s lifetime. AboutLessons: When the world is still counting the cost of the Second World...
企鹅兰登新书资讯| 伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)引人入胜的新小说Lessons昨日由Vintage出版发行。这是一个关于爱、遗憾和探寻的故事。故事设定在冷战时期,年轻的罗兰·贝恩斯被困在寄宿学校,他的脆弱吸引了钢琴老师Miriam Cornell的注意,他的生活也因此发生了很多变化,这段经历也成为了他生命中很重要的一段经历。25年...
Lessons is Ian McEwan’s Napoleon Street novel. It gathers up its author’s dazzlements and remixes them – gives them shape and lustre. Not enough shape, perhaps. But plenty of lustre. It mixes modes – realism, political essay, social history, memoir. It is capacious, chock-...
Ian McEwan (b. 1948) is a British novelist, short-story writer, and screenwriter whose restrained, refined prose style accentuates the horror of his dark humor and perverse subject matter. His notable books included Amsterdam, Atonement, and On Chesil Be
Ian McEwan ~ What We Can Know What We Can Know, the epic new novel from Ian McEwan, will be published on 18 September 2025. Ian McEwan says of his new novel: "What We Can Know is science fiction without the science. This is a novel about history, and what we can know of it, ...
Lessons by Ian McEwan spans the life of Roland Baines, born shortly after the Second World War. Taking in several major world crises from the Cuban Missile Crisis to the Chernobyl disaster to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as intimate domestic events, ‘Lessons’ is a sprawling epic and easi...
Ian McEwan's latest novel, Lessons (2022), covers a long period of time to deliver a powerful meditation on history and humanity through one man's life across generations and historical (un)doings. The article focuses on the literary representation of some historical...
Nebula Drift-Ian Stone by:流行风ING 1095 Lessons By_ Ian McEwan by:巧得一隅Carmen 1.2万 韵母训练 by:小小姐姐公主 24.2万 声母和韵母相拼 by:1869188npdb 253 Wall Of Ice-Ian Cecil Scott by:小众style 347 Ian Never Had Shit-Drugrixh Hect ...
Lessons By_ Ian McEwan LessonsBy_IanMcEwan. 30 1126 Wall Of Ice-Ian Cecil Scott 20 253 Ian Never Had Shit-Drugrixh Hect 10 61 Ian Never Had Shit-Drugrixh Hect 11 347 SEMPRE: A New Dimension-IAN MAKSIN SEMPRE-anattempttotunetoauniversalwavelengththatwillgiveusaccesst... 1 31 Mistakes...
Ian McEwan on global events and private lives. In a dormitory shared with nine others, the expression of difficult feelings—self-doubt, tender hopes, sexual anxiety—was rare. As for sexual longing, that was submerged in boasts and taunts and extremely funny or completely obscure jokes. Whichev...