twomethodsforoperation;1)controllingXSEL-P/QorR/Saxes,or2)controllingexternalcontrollerunits (SCON-C,SCON-CA,PCON-CA,ACON-PL,orPCON-PL).(Inthismanual,fromthispointforwardthe XSEL-P/QcontrollerorR/Scontrollerisreferredas“X-SEL”andtheexternalcontrolleras“RCcontroller”,) SystemOverview Cartesian ...
The general layout of the programming window is located in both the PC Interface Software Manual, and the operating manual matched to the individual controllers. Below is a screen shot showing the columns that one would see running the SelWin software (SEL-E/G, DS, etc). ...
IAI Controller NIB PCON-CB-56PWAI-PLN-3-0 RCP6-RRA7C DRV-I-2063=7B53 TOSOH SC-8010 COMPUTER Inet Inc / Interface Card / Dlp-9210-03 Dlp-9210-01-001 Rev.A Dlp-9210-02-001 LS PLC K4P-15AS V3.5 CPU Unit PLC-I-1793=9L14 ...
(with Digital speed controller): EC-DS3LA | EC-DS3MA | EC-DS3HA EC-S4LA | EC-S4MA | EC-S4HA | EC-S4SA EC-DS4LA | EC-DS4MA | EC-DS4HA | EC-DS4SA EC-S6LA | EC-S6MA | EC-S6HA | EC-S6SA EC-DS6LA | EC-DS6MA | EC-DS6HA | EC-DS6SA EC-S7LA | EC-...