The Database will be a compilation of data from research reactor operator input, comprehensive literature reviews and experimental data from research reactors. This effort is part of the aging management work to assist RRs in identifying possible areas for increased surveillance by in service ...
The present IAEA Research Reactor Safety Programme (RRSP) is a response to the current situation of about 300 research reactors in operation in 59 countries around the world. (orig.)Alcala-Ruiz, F.GKSS FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM GEESTHACHT GMBH -PUBLICATIONS- E...
The IAEA Coordinated Research Program on HTGR Reactor Physics, Thermal-hydraulics and Depletion Uncertainty Analysis: Description of the Benchmark Test Cas... The project is built on the experience of the OECD/NEA Light Water Reactor (LWR) Uncertainty Analysis in Best-Estimate Modelling (UAM) bench...
The IAEA provides a comprehensive contemporary overview of world uranium geology and resources, allowing insight into current and potential future uranium discoveries and supply. The Agency also maintains a database of technical, geographical and geological characteristics of worldwide uranium deposits. Clic...
This study intended to demonstrate the use of k 0 -IAEA software with the NAA#3 irradiation hole in the HANARO research reactor and the gamma-ray spectrometers at the NAA laboratory in the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). NIST SRM 2586-Soil was chosen as a sample to validate...
In fact, a more realistic simulation is obtained through the consideration of a whole nodalization of a typical pool research reactor cooling loop. This will allow, among all, an adequate simulation of: Nevertheless, conservatism related to the consideration of representative core channels and fixed...
IVANOV, "HTGR Reactor Physics, Thermal-Hydraulics and Depletion Uncertainty Analysis: A Proposed IAEA Coordinated Research Project," Proc. M&C 2011, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011, American Nuclear Society (2011) (CD-ROM).
The k<sub>0</sub>-IAEA software uses the holistic approach developed at the Delft Interfaculty Reactor Institute and incorporates the latestk<sub>0</sub> data catalogue together with additional information on coincidence and sum peaks, which together are used in the joint evaluationof samples. ...
(IAEA) 10 MW material test reactor (MTR) is chosen. In view of the gasket material taken into the coolant channel is close to the single side of the coolant channel, in the flow blockage accident of the Oak Ridge Research Reactor (ORRR), a new blockage category called single side ...
Zeman, E. Bradley Jr., P. Adelfang, "IAEA Recent Activities to Create a Database on Assessment, Monitoring and Surveillance of Research Reactors' Core Structural Materials Ageing" Proceedings of the SMiRT 21 (Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology), 6-11 November, 2011, New Delhi, India....