例如,2018年凯旋在望的L同学,学历背景是国内某一本本科生主修法语专业辅修管理学,后被成功录取并毕业于IAE Aix-Marseille的Master Marketing and brand management专业。该生在毕业半年内即获得法国知名奢侈品品牌的市场部工作机会。在法国工作两年后,回国继续从事国内轻奢品牌推广策略方面的工作。由于有良好的专业背景以...
此外,学院还有继续教育培训(Formation professionnelle continue):组织管理顾问培训(Diplôme d’université Consultant organisation management),数字营销(Diplôme d’université Marketing Digital)、管理与人力资源(Diplôme d’Université Management et ressources humaines),工商管理硕士综合管理专业(Master Administration...
5ème place catégorie Master Logistique : Master Management de la Chaîne Logistique 12ème place catégorie Master Digital Marketing et e-Business : Master Marketing Digital et Consommateur Connecté en alternance et FC 格勒诺布尔 IAE - INP 是一所管理学校,旨在培养和发展从国内到国际社会所需要的专业...
谢邀。曾经在Lyon IAE读Master,收获非常多。IAE其实就是大学下属的学院,最后拿到的仍然是国立文凭,回国...
28. Master of Hospitality Management: Luxury and Lifestyle Université Saint Joseph France 29. Ms Management du Luxe et de la Mode, majeure Luxe Ascencia Business School France 30. MSc Marketing and Digital in Luxury and Lifestyle EM Normandie ...
Ken Moir, NiceLabel VP of Marketing said: “It’s great to see the level of flexibility and enhanced operational efficiency that IAE has already been able to achieve with our cloud labeling solution. We are confident that as it scales its business in the future, being able to ma...
Companies can respond to these challenges and create competitive differentiators by leveraging digital technology. In today's world of digitization, social media provides a wide platform not only to companies for their marketing and promotional activities but also to customers to conduct information ...
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All industries became the digital and adopted paperless transactions. Following the same way in marketing, organizations started selling their product on e-commerce platforms. Promotion activities have started in social media like e-mail, websites, messages etc. Being understood the convenience, ...