Department of Zoology UNESP-Rio ClaroW. K. MilsomDepartment of Zoology University of British ColumbiaJ Comp Physiol BJournal of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical Systemic & Environmental PhysiologyAndrade, D. V., Tattersall, G. J., Brito, S. P., Soncini, R., Branco, L. G., Glass, M....
Biology and Genetics, Instituto de Biocieˆncias, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Preparation and chromosome banding Fishes were anesthetized with benzocaine solution and eu- thanized for cytogenetic analysis. Mitotic chromosome was re- trieved fromkidney tissue, following protocol by Foresti et al.,...
Botryane terpenoids isolated from EtOAc extract ofNemania bipapillatacultures. Full size image For the determination of the absolute configuration of compounds1–5, electronic and vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopies (ECD and VCD, respectively) were used with the aid of quantum chemical calculat...
(SE Brazil). Sepetiba Bay became a lagoonal system due to the evolution and development of the Marambaia barrier island during the Holocene and the presence of an extensive river basin. Elemental concentrations from pre-anthropogenic layers from the nearby SP7 core have been used to estimate ...
N M MagroDepartamento de Parasitologia Instituto de Biociências de Botucatu Unesp-Univ. Estadual Paulista Botucatu SP BrazilA T de OliveiraInstituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (IFAM) Centro Manaus/AM BrazilL H O'Dwyer...
In order to meet international standards of deposit and supply of biological materials, the UNESP-Microbial Resources Center (CRM-UNESP) started their suitability for functioning and management to reach international standards; which include taxonomic a...
The distinctive characteristics observed among the species were used to develop an identification key for the species of Poiretia.Mendes, Katiane ReisFortuna-Perez, Ana PaulaRodrigues, Tatiane MariaUNESP Sao Paulo State Univ IBB Program Postgrad Biol Sci Bot Botucatu SP BrazilFlora...
Attention has chiefly focused on the curriculum organization and changes.Maria Cecília de Oliveira MicottiUNESP - Campus de Rio Claro - IB - Departamento de EducaçãoInstituto de Biociências - Campus de Rio Claro - UnespEducao Teoria E Prática...
LABCAM Departamento de Ciências Biolögicas Faculdade de Ciências UNESP 17033-360 Bauru SP BrasilMichèle FurlanRogério C. CostaVivian FransozoSpringer-VerlagSenckenbergiana MaritimaCastilho A.L., Furlan M., Costa R.C. and Fransozo V. (2008a) Abundance and temporal-spatial distribution of the ...