Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 eu·rhyth·mi·a (yū-ridh'mē-ă) Harmonious body relationships of the separate organs. [eu- + G.rhythmos,rhythm] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
Omni is Latin and is defined asall. An example of omni used as a prefix is in the word omniscience which means all knowing. What does the prefix nulli mean in medical terminology? a combining form meaning“none,”“null”: nullipara. ...
Quiz Course 470views What is Hypercarbia? The proper term for excess CO2 in our body ishypercarbia, or alternatively hypercapnia.Hyper-means excessively or abnormally high levels of something. The suffix of-carbiacan be taken to mean one of two things, depending on how literal you want to be...
Which means that whatever statements one makes about any group of people, however true, are true so only in the statistical sense. There should always be room for those removed by more than one sigma from the mean. Or, as Abraham said in Sodom to the entity channeled in our times by Mr...
Once aboard a host, chiggers may move around for some time, before attaching at a suitable site to feed [9]. The larva attaches by means of its sharp mouth parts (chelicerae) and develops a characteristic feeding tube (stylostome) over several hours. The stylostome is formed by the chigg...
However, a longer barrel also means added weight and bulkiness, making it less maneuverable in tight spaces or dense vegetation. Terrain and Hunting Style If you are planning to hunt in dense forests or thick brush, a lightweight and compact rifle may be more suitable. This will allow for ...
Swanson administered the WAIS-III to Smith, 34 "This means that if an individual is retested with the same instrument, the second obtained score would be within one SEM (i.e., ± 3 to 4 IQ points) of the first estimate about two thirds of the time. . . . Therefore, an IQ of 70...
Many interpreters will go on to study a specialization, as they may be requested to learn about legal terminology, medical or political vocabulary, or business jargon. This means further investment in their education and even greater dedication. It also means higher compensation. The road taken by...