HAVE BEEN PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR SUBSCRIBERS NONE IS FOR GENERAL SALE INTRODUCTION THE GENTLEMAN ABOUT TOWN has performed a service of notable worth in preserving and giving definitive form to the wealth of latter-day folk-lore which is contained within the covers of "Immortalia." American folk-l...
to b e immed iately taken from him an d kept in safe custod y, for the purpose of being employed , so far as it may be n eces sary or required , in establishing the fac t of his fraud ulent acquisition of it on proof of which, it should be in stantly restored to ...
This study also suggested that sarcotoxin IA-containing crops might also exhibit enhanced resistance to contamination by food poisoning bacteria during harvesting and transportation, reducing the need for agricultural chemicals and being a safe source of food for humans. However, further investigations ...
( sthraonrtsfcehraasine, dgelhyycdosryolgtreannassfee,raNseA, Da-lddeephyedned ent epdimeheyrdasroe,gegnlausceo saen-d1 -ppohloyspprehnaotle‐maodneonpyhlyols/pthhoymmaindnyolsyel styrannthsafesera) soef, tghley cboasciylyltsriann‐lsifkeer agseen,esa,l...