13th Gen Intel Core i9-13900T review with benchmark scores. Understand its performance in real-world use cases.
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In my opinion, I would go with the 13900TE because it is newer (also, you may check Meteor Lake processors too, they have a good upgrade in the graphics part) but if the benchmark results may be important to you, maybe it will ma...
RTX 4060 vs RTX 3070 | 1080p分辨率12款游戏对比测试 | 作者:BENCHMARKS FOR GAMERS 30.8万 127 01:27 App 带ti和不带ti性能差距,RTX3070ti VS 3070 分别在1080p 2k 4k 不同分辨率下游戏性能表现 9850 4 01:28 App 【首发评测】传闻不让对比RTX3070的RTX4060Ti,真的有点奇怪 8.7万 23 01:35 Ap...
These Benchmark tests may not be accurate, and may depend on the overall configuration, I find strange that there is so much difference between both. Usually, we are mentioned that newer processors are upgrades between past years, and the o...
系统AVC CPU 2195 不错的 元宇宙 GPU 1799 低于平均的 用户评分: Nero Score第34266,共 190466 条记录 5648 评估 检查游戏性能 多媒体好 游戏一般 系统信息 未知 在2023-12-02 00:35:24 提交系统制造商ASRock 系统产品型号Z790 LiveMixer 处理器13th Gen Intel Core i9-13900T 核数24 ...
性能 结果 ASRock Z790 LiveMixer AI 标记 2816 平均的 系统AVC GPU 4652 不错的 系统AVC CPU 2287 不错的 元宇宙 GPU 2108 低于平均的 用户评分: Nero Score第 30946,共 193914 条记录 5932 评估 检查游戏性能 多媒体 好 游戏 平均 系统信息 gallux在2023-12-10 21:54:46提交 ...