\Device\KeyboardClass0(DRIVER_OBJECT 是 kbdclass)可以找到 没有名字地址为828313e8的DEVICE_OBJECT(DRIVER_OBJECT 是 i8042prt); 没有名字地址为828313e8的DEVICE_OBJECT(DRIVER_OBJECT 是 i8042prt)可以找到 \Device\0000006e(DRIVER_OBJECT 是 ACPI)。 从下自上: \Device\0000000e(DRIVER_OBJECT 是 ACPI) 可...
The start information request passes a pointer to an interrupt object of a device to an upper-level filter driver. The filter driver can use the interrupt object to synchronize its operation with the ISR of the device. I8042prt callback routines. ...
This entry is also used in calculating the size of the keyboard driver's internal buffer in nonpaged memory pool. To determine the number of bytes to allocate for the buffer, the system multiplies the size of the KEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA structure by the value of KeyboardDataQueueSize. PollStatus...
This topic describes the features of I8042prt, the Microsoft Windows 2000 and later system function driver for PS/2-style keyboard and mouse devices.
The start information request passes a pointer to an interrupt object of a device to an upper-level filter driver. The filter driver can use the interrupt object to synchronize its operation with the ISR of the device. I8042prt callback routines. ...
The start information request passes a pointer to an interrupt object of a device to an upper-level filter driver. The filter driver can use the interrupt object to synchronize its operation with the ISR of the device. I8042prt callback routines. ...
//替换分发函数 来实现过滤#include <wdm.h>#include<ntddk.h>#include<Ntddkbd.h>#include<windef.h>//Kbdclass驱动的名字#defineKBD_DRIVER_NAME L"\\Driver\\Kbdclass"//ps2的端口驱动#definePS2_DRIVER_NAME L"\\Driver\\i8042prt"//usb的端口驱动#defineUSB_DRIVER_NAME L"\\Driver\\Kbdhid"//这个...
Description The Parameters subkey stores data for the i8042prt driver. The i8042prt driver controls the keyboard and PS/2-compatible mouse for the Intel 8042 controller. For Windows Server 2003, many of the entries in the Parameters subkey are used only when a device is installed. When the...
i8042prt.sys. 所使用的i8942 Port Driver, 如果关闭i8042prt.sys, 它会再次在以后的时间可能开始重新启动您的计算机或应用程序启动后,无论之后。要停止i8042prt.sys, 永久性您需要卸载运行此过程,在这种情况下是应用程序i8942 Port Driver, 从您的系统。
The start information request passes a pointer to an interrupt object of a device to an upper-level filter driver. The filter driver can use the interrupt object to synchronize its operation with the ISR of the device. I8042prt callback routines. ...