Thinkpad P70,i6700HQ,安装Windows11专业工作站版(由自带Windows10专业工作站版升级),一切正常~~~...
根据微软官方的系统要求,i7-6700HQ处理器可以升级到Windows 11。不过,除了CPU型号外,还需考虑其他硬件和软件的兼容性。建议在升级前进行系统检查,确保设备符合所有Windows 11的要求,以避免兼容性问题。除了i7-6700HQ处理器,运行Windows 11还需要一定的硬件配置。首先,内存(RAM)至少需要8GB,固态硬盘...
Your processor is not supported by Microsoft for windows 11. However, you can still upgrade to W11 as directed here with the registry hack:
Hey, Why Microsoft didnt allow Windows11 to some CPUs even tho there ways you can install it for me that what i did and it works great so im asking why they not allowing it thanks (Windiows 11 Requir...
i wanted to change to windows 11, but when I ran the health check. It said my CPU wasn't suitable. I needed at least 2GHZ to run it. I have the Intel i7-6700 @3.40GHz so I should have double the requirements ??? Any ideas why Microsoft failed it ??? Translate...
✅ Windows 11 on i7 6700:I have windows 11 from a retailer. However my pc dont match the requierments. I dont have a windows 10 licens. New harddrive.Will i be able to install...
系统:Windows 11 i76700属于中高端档次。英特尔Corei7-6700是2015年Intel发布的芯片,Intel酷睿i76700处理器默认主频为3.4GHz,最大睿频为4.0GHz(单核最高睿频频率为4.0GHz,四核满载睿频最高频率为3.7GHz),核心数为四核心,8MB三级缓存,采用14纳米制作工艺,热设计功耗(TDP)为65W。Intel酷睿i7...
4、十一代i7建议升级win11根据用户的喜好来选择要不要升级win11即可 现在的win11系统其实本质上还是win10 21h2版本,所以性能方面其实没有提升Windows11是由微软公司Microsoft开发的操作系统,应用于计算机和平板电脑等设备;的cpu是无法通过win11的健康安全检测的2但是这不代表我们就无法升级win11,因为我们的...
Win 11 upgrade assistant says my i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.41 GHz is not compatible. Can I just upgrade the processor in my ENVOY 750 to one that is compatible? Tags: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) View All (1) Category: Windows 11 I have the same question 3 REPLIES ...
hello please assist me in finding out if my laptop i have can get WINDOWS 11, its an expensive laptop, so im concerned how come or why it does