Intel i7-4940MX vsi7-4810MQ Intel i7-4940MX vsi7-4900MQ Similar microprocessors use the same socket and architecture as i7-4940MX and Intel i7-4910MQ. Specifications Please visitIntel Core i7-4940MXandIntel Core i7-4910MQpages for detailed specifications of both microprocessors. ...
Intel Xeon E3-1545M v5 @ 2.90GHz,Intel Core i7-3920XM @ 2.90GHz,Intel Core i7-4940MX @ 3.10GHz,Intel Core i7-4810MQ @ 2.80GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Intel Core i7-4810MQ @ 2.80GHz,Intel Core i5-7300HQ @ 2.50GHz,Intel Core i7-4940MX @ 3.10GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Jan 19, 2014: Intel today added 9 Haswell-based mobile microprocessors to the official price list. The list of new models includes Core i5-4310M, i5-4310U, i5-4340M and i5-4360U, along with Core i7-4610M, i7-4810MQ, i7-4860HQ, i7-4910MQ, and Core i7-4940MX Extreme Edition. Bas...
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在淘宝,您不仅能发现原装坏件 I7 4810MQ I7 4900MQ I7 4910MQ I7 4930MX 4940MX CPU的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于原装坏件 I7 4810MQ I7 4900MQ I7 4910MQ I7 4930MX 4940MX CPU的信息,请来淘
Intel 酷睿 i7 4810MQ 参数对比 | 性能对比 | 体验分对比 CPU型号平台架构制程工艺核心/线程主频/Max全核睿频三级缓存内存类型集成显卡TDP功耗 Intel i7-4940MXHaswell22 nm4C/8T3.10/3.90(Ghz)3.90 GHz8.00 MBDDR3L-1600 SO-DIMMIntel HD 460057W详细参数>> ...
Intel 酷睿 i7 4810MQ Intel 酷睿 i7 4940MX 参数对比 | 性能对比 | 体验分对比 CPU型号平台架构制程工艺核心/线程主频/Max全核睿频三级缓存内存类型集成显卡TDP功耗 Intel i7-4810MQHaswell22 nm4C/8T2.80/3.80(Ghz)3.70 GHz6.00 MBDDR3L-1600 SO-DIMMIntel HD 460047W详细参数>> ...
Intel i7-4940MX vsi7-4800MQ Intel i7-4940MX vsi7-4810MQ Intel i7-4940MX vsi7-4910MQ Similar microprocessors use the same socket and architecture as Intel Core i7-4940MX and Core i7-4900MQ. Specifications Please visitIntel Core i7-4940MXandIntel Core i7-4900MQpages for detailed specification...