看下这次测试的平台,intel酷睿I7-8700K处理器,和与之搭配的微星Z370-Gaming M5主板,华硕的GTX1080ti显卡,金泰克X6 DDR4 3200炫彩内存16GB套装,建兴T10 Nvme固态,九州风神船长240散热,TT750铜牌电源。毕竟是测试平台,机箱不用了,机械硬盘啥的也不用的。把平台简单介绍,I7-8700K,英特尔第八代处理器民用旗舰,相比上...
我这主板能上i7 8..1151主板和CPU插槽都是LGA 1151可以通用CPU。目前i7-8700K是LGA-1151这款主板最高配置的CPU。同是1151主板核芯与内存频率都不一样,新1151z370主板核芯高内存支持
1 i7 8700k加华硕z370 f gaming设置超频的步骤:1、首先,准备适合于超频的主板、CPU、内存、对超频有完整支持的BIO、稳妥够用的电源、显卡、开盖、超频测试软件、超 CPU 核心频率、超 CPU VX 频率、超 CPU 缓存(ring)频率、超内存频率。2、进入 BIO,按 F5 载入 BIOS 默认设置,超 CPU 核心频率,AVX 指令...
Priced at an MSRP of USD $399, the RTX 4060 Ti positions itself as a competitively priced option within NVIDIA’s lineup, offering modern gaming features and energy efficiency that could complement the i7-8700K’s capabilities well. However, the decision to opt for a narrower memory bus and...
求助牛爷爷们,550..本人在国外,这边的电源牌子都不认识,目前在亚马逊搜到一个80plus的铜牌550w,牌子是marsgaming,可以带得动3060ti加i7 8700嘛,或者推荐一下其他的在海外能买到的牌子,感谢!
One thing is clear, though. Regardless of how it shapes up to the Core i5-9600K, the Core i7-8700 is definitely a much better gaming CPU than either ofAMD's Ryzen 7 2700 / 2700Xchips. Sure, the Ryzen 7 2700X is currently a lot cheaper than the i7-8700 (£265/$280vs Intel...
首先要说一下的是微星Z370 GODLIKE GAMING主板上所用的Core i7-8700K与技嘉Z370 AORUS Gaming 7主板评测所用的那颗并不是同一颗,体质并不相同,不能拿来直接对比。 如果只是超到4.8GHz的话甚至连电压都不用调,直接自动挡就很稳定 点击看大图 Core i7-8700K在微星Z370 GODLIKE GAMING主板上可以稳定4.9GHz,AIDA...
On V-Ray, the Core i7-8700K was similar to the Ryzen 7 1700X, and was 40% faster than the Core i7-7700K. [nextpage title=”Gaming Performance”] Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is an action RPG with FPS elements, launched in August 2016, that uses the Dawn eng...
The HP Omen Obelisk Desktop is a really fast, capable computer with some significant limitations, as shipped, for gaming. This is the first off the shelf gaming system I've gotten; all my previous gaming systems have been custom built...
Asus/华硕 TUF B360-PLUS GAMING台式机游戏电脑主板支持i7 8700k 999元包邮 券抢券买华硕主板 丙成数码专营店 爆料人:值买推荐更新时间:2025-02-24 18:00:16 标签:天猫商城主板华硕 去看看 集成芯片:声卡/网卡 主芯片组:Intel B360 CPU插槽:LGA 1151 内存类型:4×DDR4 DIMM USB接口:2×USB3.1 Gen2 接...