一、核心与线程数 i5-7300U:采用双核心设计,但支持四线程技术,这意味着它可以同时处理四个任务。 i7-8650U:拥有四核心八线程,相比i5-7300U,它在多任务处理和重负载应用上表现更佳。 二、频率 i5-7300U:基础频率为2.6GHz,最高睿频可达3.5GHz。 i7-8650U:基础频率为1.9GHz,但最高睿频可提升至4.2GHz,这在需...
在这篇对比页面中,我们将比较Intel 酷睿i7-8650U和Intel 酷睿i5-7300U,Intel 酷睿i7-8650U的Cinebench 20多核跑分达到了(1289分),而Intel 酷睿i5-7300U的Cinebench 20多核跑分达到了(800分)。两者分别采用了Q3 2017架构和Q1 2017架构。Intel 酷睿i7-8650U使用了8000 KB制
i5-7300U vs i7-8650U specifications comparison The charts below compare the most important characteristics of the Intel i7-8650U and Intel Core i5-7300U microprocessors. These features, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Number ...
Intel Core i5-7300U @ 2.60GHz,Intel Core i5-8350U @ 1.70GHz,Intel Core i7-8650U @ 1.90GHz,Intel Core i7-7600U @ 2.80GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Intel Core i7-8650U @ 1.90GHz,Intel Core i5-8350U @ 1.70GHz,Intel Core i5-7300U @ 2.60GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Intel i5-7300HQ vsi7-8650U Similar CPUs use the same socket and architecture as Intel Core i5-7300HQ and Intel Core i7-8550U, but their performance and other characteristics are a bit different. Specifications Please visitIntel Core i5-7300HQandIntel Core i7-8550Upages for detailed specificati...
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i5 8250u。i7 7700hq。i5 7300hq i5 7200u。i7 2960。i5 4200h 目测第一i7 7700hq 最差是i5 7200u 分享104 准系统吧 憧憬🌟 纠结i5 7500和i7 7700hq纠结上哪个台式u和移动u,我主玩csgo,而且是每次持续玩很长时间的那种,csgo比较吃u,想问一下两者散热问题和降频问题 分享228 图拉丁吧 一只兔子先生 ...
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