这款加固笔记本的CPU是i7-7700T,T1000 4G显卡。支持Windows10/11、Windows server2019、Centor、Ubuntu等系统。 DDR4 16G内存和SSD1T固态。 特殊定制加固型DDR4 16G内存和SSD 1T固态。 可扩展到64G内存+2T固态*2 可选配WIFI/4G/5G/蓝牙 电池容量13400MAH,可持续运行8小时。 锂电池优点,可循环充电次数,可更换...
As title says I own Intel Core i7 7700 CPU @3.60GHz but Windows 11 PC Health Check states that it's uncompatile with Windows 11 (whereas I got Intel Core i5 that does) What's the procedure raising this issue at Intel so Microsoft will allow me the upgrad...
2,215 檢視 according to Microsoft information the Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700T CPU @ 2.90GHz is not compatible with windows 11. according to the company, developers may request the inclusion of the hardware on the list in a future update. Intel will require this?...
Why doesn't Microsoft Support the intel Core i7-7700 Processor for Windows 11 (22H2), I was checking the PC Health Check App and It said that I met the Requirements for Everything Else, Except for the Processor. I have a TPM 2.0, but an Unsupported Processor. I found this quite ...
1. 去微软官网 (https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows11)下载Windows 11 安装助手 2. 创建一个文本文档 (在哪都行),复制并粘贴以下代码: 代码在文末 3. 保存之后右键重命名,将后缀名改为cmd,如无法显示后缀名在文件→查看中勾选显示后缀名,实在不行请自行百度。
i7-7700k的cpu可以升级windows11吗 i7-区村象7700k是第7代的cpu目前不能升级wind360智能摘要ows11。 Wind来自ows11最低配置要求: 处理器:1 GHz 或更快的支持 64 位的处理器(双核或多核)或系统单芯片 (SoC)。 内存:4GB。 可用硬盘空间:64 GB 或更大的存储设备。
联想扬天A7000T(i7 7700/8GB/128GB+1TB/6G独显)参数页面提供真实的联想扬天A7000T(i7 7700/8GB/128GB+1TB/6G独显)配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解联想扬天A7000T(i7 7700/8GB/128GB+1TB/6G独显)。
Why is my Intel i7-7700HQ CPU not compatible with Windows 11 when will Core i7-7700HQ @ 2.80GHz CPU be added to the eligible list for Windows 11 upgrade?Windows 11 Windows 11 A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use. 8,475 questions...
I have a gaming laptop with i7-7700HQ processor, 4 cores, 8GB ram etc. However, my PC isn't compatible (a lot i7 cores are compatible, for some reason, this one is not) Should I install windows 11 using the other methods that were discussed online? It just seems like downloading an...
戴尔电商小主机 i7 7700T十32G内存十256G固态硬盘十500G硬盘十机电 - 小林-昂鑫电脑于20240412发布在抖音,已经收获了10个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!