Is there any chance of getting an update for the i7-7500U to be able to get the windows 11 update or install it without any problems?
Hii everyone I have aroud 4 years old computer(running Windows10) that has the i7-7500U intel CPU.I checked with the "PC health check" app, and the...
I have aroud 4 years old computer(running Windows10) that has the i7-7500U intel CPU.I checked with the "PC health check" app, and the only missing requirment update to windows 11 is the proccessor. Does Micorsoft will update the Windows11 to support this...
百度搜“win11镜像”就可以得到想要的ISO文件,大小和64位的win10差不多(4.1G)然后使用最新版UltraISO软碟通制作系统启动U盘(之前出过教程,不再赘述)。 intel平台在BIOS中开启TPM系统安全选项设为PTT,步骤很简单,进BIOS选SETTING-安全-Trusted Computing,Security Device Support选项设为Enabled;再将TPM Device Selection...
i7 Laptop 14.1 Inch Intel Core i7-7500U Windows 11 Laptop Computer 12GB RAM 1TB/2TB SSD 1920*1080 Notebook Computer Portable PCCNY 1746.94-2652.13/piece 2024 Ultra Slim i7 Laptop Computer PC 14.1" intel Core i7-7500U Laptops 12GB RAM 1TB 2TB SSD Portable Laptop Notebook Windows 11CNY 1742....
Windows 10 处理器类型 Intel Core i3 显卡芯片型号 集成显卡 硬盘转速 ssd CPU系列 Intel Core i3 显存容量和显存类型 32GB 显卡 英特尔高清显卡 620 之后-销售服务 呼叫中心的在线技术支持 品牌 Mini Tree 型号 M3-7100U 插头类型 us, 日标, CN, AU, 英国插头标准, EU ...
Processore non supportato da Windows 11 cosa devo fare per installare win11 tutto il resto dell'hardware è idoneo, ditemi come mai quando si dice che - 8196471
暂定除7500U外的cpu配置本先不考虑,于是把近两个月的考虑简纳如下: 1:surface pro5,想也知道绝对是7500U,但是目前看,根本上市无期,性价比也是低,唯一可以期待就是微软的品控质量还有硬件开发成熟度; 2:联想yoga910(即yoga5pro),i7-7500U+16g ddr4+三星1TB pcie ssd,配置非常强劲,这高配价格约等于目前在...