肯定是6700k强。毕竟i7 7700hq是移动版,主频才2.8,睿频3.8。i7 6700K性能好,比i7 7700HQ性能都好。I7 7700HQ和I7 4940MX,这个两个cpu,都是高端笔记本四核八线程cpu,其中I7 4940MX现在都还是I7最高性能的四核,I7 6700\7700hq,性能还比不过,不过相差也不算大。当然6700k6700K是插在大...
最少也要相差20%左右的性能。I7 7700HQ属于笔记本上使用的四核八线程CPU,在当前的新笔记本里,属于最高性能的CPU了,因为为了降低功耗,工作频率默认比台式机CPU低,工作频率2.8G,最高睿频3.8G,缓存6M。I7 6700K是台式机用的四核八线程高端CPU,不超频,默认工作频率4G,最高睿频4.2G,缓存8M,...
i7-7700HQ vs i7-7700K specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important characteristics of the Intel i7-7700K and Intel Core i7-7700HQ microprocessors. These features, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a CPU performs. The "Number of cor...
Intel Core i7-6700K 297392分 255 AMD Ryzen 5 3500 296553分 256 Intel Core i3-10100F 294920分 257 Intel Core i3-10105 291399分 258 Intel Core i5-10400T 291057分 259 Intel Core i7-8700T 289414分 260 Intel Core i3-10100 287875分 261 Intel Core i7-7700 286400分 262 ...
i7-7700HQ vs i7-6700K specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important characteristics of the Core i7-6700K and i7-7700HQ processors. These features, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a CPU performs. The "Number of cores / threads" ...
Intel Core i7-10750H @ 2.60GHz,Intel Core i7-8750H @ 2.20GHz,Intel Core i7-6700K @ 4.00GHz,Intel Core i7-7700HQ @ 2.80GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Intel Core i7-7700K @ 4.20GHz,Intel Core i7-6700HQ @ 2.60GHz,AMD Ryzen 7 4700U,AMD Ryzen 5 4500U 比较 - 那个强?
还有神船zx8和G8也是。。能上i7 6700还是上,毕竟是桌面级的cpu以后还可以放台式机上 带个k还能超频...
对显卡应该是有一定要求的,至少不能是核显,u的话只能说没有上限,而且对多核优化差,双路e5说不定没有8700效果好反正同样的东西我用1600跑和6700hq跑差不多卡 来自Android客户端4楼2018-02-08 17:35 收起回复 击星月 反牛三炮 11 顶配外星人足矣 5楼2018-02-08 18:03 回复 ...
4.2GHz下的i7-4980HQ在CPU-Z测试中完胜一代名君i7-4790K CPU-Z基准测试得分对比: i7-4980HQ:单核:468.1;多核:2336.1 E3-1230V3:单核:401.1;多核:1923.2 i7-4790K:单核:451;多核:2301 4.2GHz下i7-4980HQ国际象棋测试 国际象棋测试得分: i7-4980HQ(4.2GHz):16053 ...