Model number i5-2400 i7-4790 CPU part number CM8062300834106CM8062300834107 CM8064601560113 Box part number BX80623I52400BXC80623I52400 BX80646I74790BXC80646I74790 Introduction date January 9, 2011 May 11, 2014 Socket Socket 1155 Socket 1150 Processing Unit Cores 4 Threads 4 8 Frequency (MHz) 310...
i5-2400S vs i7-4790T specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important Core i7-4790T and Intel Core i5-2400S characteristics. These features, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Number of cores / threads" ...
1、CPU主频:i5 4590CPU主频是3.3GHz;i7 4790CPU主频3.6GHz;2、动态加速频率:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;3、线程数量:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;4、三级缓存:i5 4590是6MB;i7 4790是8MB;5、显卡最大动态频率:i5 ...
1、CPU主频:i5 4590CPU主频是3.3GHz;i7 4790CPU主频3.6GHz;2、动态加速频率:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;3、线程数量:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;4、三级缓存:i5 4590是6MB;i7 4790是8MB;5、显卡最大动态频率:i5 ...
i7-4790K,一代神U,过时了吗? 老实说,作为普通家庭来日常使用、晚一些小游戏,肯定完全没问题。但是如果你打算升级20甚至30系显卡,i7-4790K显然就不够用了。 目前老电脑升级平台,1-2K内预算能买到最强的处理器毫无疑问是i5-12600K/KF,如果很难用言语描述两款处理器的差距,那就请看下面的对比图: 除了纸面规格...
Core i5-2400S vs i7-4790K single-threaded benchmarks Single-threaded benchmarks run on a single CPU core, and do not depend on such features as the number of cores, or Hyper-Threading technology. Additionally, they do not utilize on-chip caches, dedicated to other cores. Intel Core i5...
Consequentally, the Intel Core i7-4790T processor has more memory bandwidth, which increases performance in memory bound tasks. Performance improvement in programs, that are not memory-bound, will be much lower than 20%. Power consumption of the CPU is better. i5-2400 vs i7-4790T ...
1、CPU主频:i5 4590CPU主频是3.3GHz;i7 4790CPU主频3.6GHz;2、动态加速频率:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;3、线程数量:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;4、三级缓存:i5 4590是6MB;i7 4790是8MB;5、显卡最大动态频率:i5 ...
从i5 4590和i7 4790两款CPU的性能参数比较来看他们的性能差异:1、CPU主频:i5 4590CPU主频是3.3GHz;i7 4790CPU主频3.6GHz;2、动态加速频率:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;3、线程数量:i5 4590动态加速频率是3.7GHz;i7 4790CPU动态加速频率是4GHz;4、三级...
洋垃圾对比下,市场绷..I7 4790K主机,某黄,很多都是600元左右了,你没看错,I7 4790K不用介绍了把,性能跟I5 9400 以及I3 10100是大体持平的,远超 1231 v3,这十代 十二代U属实立大功了,