i7-3770S vs E3-1220L v2 specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important characteristics of the Intel E3-1220L v2 and i7-3770S processors. These features, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a processor performs. The "Number of cores /...
i7-3770S vs E3-1220 v2 specifications comparison The charts below compare the most important characteristics of the E3-1220 v2 and Intel i7-3770S CPUs. These features, together with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Number of cores / ...
玩绝地求生大逃杀这两个处理器差距不大,差距在5%以内甚至更少。i7 3770的频率(3.4/3.9GHz)比E3 1230 V2(3.3/3.7GHz)更高,单核性能高一点,所以玩游戏的效果会好一点,就玩吃鸡游戏来说,这2个处理器都够用,E3的性价比更高,而i7的性能稍强一点。在PASS跑分测试中,E3 1230 V2得分886...
求大佬建议,i737..I7 3770k还是I7 3770还是e3 1290v2呢目前配置如图1290V2目前某宝好像950左右3770差不多5203770K要750
E3v2最大的纠结对手是i5么,有必要在E3v2面前黑i7?其实我整个回复的中心是:爱玩爱折腾,i7 懒得玩懒得折腾,E3v2.它们俩除了金钱上的差异 最大的差异就是可玩性了.性能在游戏生活中差异并不十分明显.我自己都是3570K...为了i7的阉割版E3v2来黑带K的i7 3770K...真心没必要... 13楼2012-11-24 12:33 ...
Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz,Intel Xeon E3-1275 V2 @ 3.50GHz,Intel Xeon E3-1280 V2 @ 3.60GHz,Intel Xeon E3-1290 V2 @ 3.70GHz 比较 - 那个强?
The Xeon E3-1220L v2 microprocessor is 78% more energy efficient than the i7-3770 processor. i7-3770 vs E3-1220L v2 specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important features of the Xeon E3-1220L v2 and Intel i7-3770 CPUs. These characteristics, as well as an IPC (in...
The CPU comes with higher base frequency than the Intel i7-3770S microprocessor. i7-3770S vs E3-1230 v2 specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important Intel E3-1230 v2 and i7-3770S features. These characteristics, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determ...
下面我们来看一下E3-1230 v2 和 i7-3770 这两款CPU的差别。从上图我们可以看出,两者只有三个区别:1.i7-3770的主频为3.4GHz,E3-1230v2的主频为3.3GHz,同时睿频也存在同样差距。2.i7-3770集成核心显卡HD4000,E3-1230v2不集成显卡。对于不同核心显卡的人来说,这一点可以忽略。3.i7-3770耗电77w,E3-1230v2...
E3 V2就好。中间就差了个核显。不行用1240 V2 或者1270 v2。但实际上没差别的。 来自Android客户端7楼2017-06-17 01:31 收起回复 11zrf 酷睿2 6 话说如果我不多开就用i5 3470直播,玩游戏卡的话是不是显卡问题,跟cpu关系大吗,我是一般开直播软件+音乐+qq+网页+游戏这样,希望大神给点意见 8楼2017-06...