RX 570(即580 2048SP 4G) + R5 3600 电脑硬件游戏性能测试(1080P分辨率,共17款游戏) 1080P 60帧视频 4737 6 14:21 App 4卡2080Ti主机 塔式机箱 本地运行大语言模型 预算17000 866 -- 11:46 App GTX 1660 Super + i5-9600KF 4.3Ghz 电脑硬件游戏性能测试(1080P分辨率) 1080P 60帧视频 653 -- 23...
澪凨 人气楷模 13 可能是4核4线的问题,或者双通道把,没2k屏不太清楚,我自己的老u i7 3770koc4.5 显卡rx570 内存8x2 2133 1080p阴影中其他全拉满1.2渲染都是稳60 11楼2021-01-23 02:33 回复 风也乱了方向 铁杆吧友 8 我是i5 9700k好像 没注意 显卡1050ti 也不会卡昂 你这个应该比我好点吧0.0...
The typical lifespan of a CPU before it starts to show it's age and bottleneck things is about 4-5 years. The i7-3770 is nearly 10 years old. [Main Desktop] CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X GPU: EVGA RTX 3070 Ti (FTW3 Ultra) MOBO: MSI Gaming Pro Carbon (X470) RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaw...
Given the capabilities of the Intel Core i7-3770 [Non-K] and the balance between cost, performance, and future-proofing, my personal recommendation would be theAMD Radeon RX 6600. This GPU provides a great blend of performance for 1080p gaming, sufficient VRAM for current and near-future tit...
配置 处理器 英特尔 第三代酷睿 i7-3770K @ 3.50GHz 四核 主板 华硕 P8Z77-V DELUXE(Z77 Express 芯片组) 显卡AMD Radeon RX 570 ( 4 GB / 华硕 ) 内存32 GB ( 镁光 DDR3 1600MHz ) 主硬盘 浦科特 PX-256M5Pro ( 256 GB / 固态硬盘 ) ...
EFI-Desktop-Gigabayte-GA-B75m_D3H---i7-3770---RX-570- Public EFI Hackintosh 3 Geração 5 AirPort-Utility Public C 4 Bluetooth-File-Exchange Public C 4 EFI-Notebook-E480-Lenovo-opencore-0.9.4-Ventura-Monterey-Sonoma Public EFI-Lenovo-E480_Ventura ASL 3 S145-EFI_OC_...
The problem is that it requires a 750W PSU, costs close to $400 USD and the Dell case doesn't have adequate airflow to cool it. I don't know if the Haswell Core i7s would bottleneck this GPU but I'm sure that they wouldn't bottleneck the RX 5600 XT. I...
Get whatever card you desire even if your cpu will be a bottleneck Sell your 970's on their own. They still fetch between 80-120$ used. Wait for ryzen 4000 that comes out in fall Upgrade your pc then and make a new topic for it for advice...
RX 570(即580 2048SP 8G)vs RX 580(2304SP 8G) 显卡游戏性能测试对比(CPU为R9 3900X) 60帧视频 2440 3 10:27 App 20.4.1 vs 20.4.2 显卡驱动对比(1080P分辨率测试) RX 570(即580 2048SP 4G) + i7-3770(3.7Ghz) 863 1 15:49 App RX 580(2304SP 4G) + R5 3600 电脑游戏性能测试(1080P分辨率...
EFI-Desktop-Gigabayte-GA-B75m_D3H---i7-3770---RX-570- Public EFI Hackintosh 3 Geração 5 AirPort-Utility Public C 4 Bluetooth-File-Exchange Public C 4 EFI-Notebook-E480-Lenovo-opencore-0.9.4-Ventura-Monterey-Sonoma Public EFI-Lenovo-E480_Ventura ASL 3 S145-EFI_OC_...