在1080P画质模式下,Ryzen 7 5700X的平均帧速为135 FPS,Core i7-12700F的平均帧速为163 FPS。按百分比计算,Core i7-12700F领先Ryzen 7 5700X大约20.7%。在1440P画质模式下,Ryzen 7 5700X的平均帧速为134 FPS,Core i7-12700F的平均帧速为161 FPS。按百分比计算,Core i7-12700F领先Ryzen 7 5700X大约...
虽然锐龙7 5700X的单核最高频率只有4.65GHz,比起锐龙7 5800X动辄4.9GHz的加速频率看起来似乎差了不少,但是在开启PBO止呕,这2款处理器的全核频率几乎完全相同,没有任何区别,测试数据也是如此。 在理论性能方面,锐龙7 5700X的单核性能较锐龙7 5800X差了5%左右,但是多核性能的差距仅有0.3%,这样的差距甚至是可以...
FamilyRyzen 7Core i7 Model number5700Xi7-12700K CPU part number100-000000926CM8071504553828 Box part number100-100000926WOFBX8071512700K BXC8071512700K Introduction dateApril 4, 2022November 4, 2021 SocketSocket AM4Socket 1700 Total number of cores812 ...
AMD Ryzen 7 5700X3D 593226分 101 AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT 591489分 102 Intel Core i9-10900KF 588056分 103 AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 586606分 104 Intel Core i9-10900K 582764分 105 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700T 578064分 106 AMD Ryzen 7 5700G with Radeon Graphics 576135分 107 AMD...
Ryzen 7 5700X Core i7-10700KF General recommendations: Lower power General recommendations: Clocked higher Drawbacks: Has lower operating frequency Drawbacks: Requires considerably more power Similar processors Ryzen 7 5700X Core i7-10700KF Intel i7-10700KF vs AMD 5700X3D Intel i7-10700KF ...
Core i7-12700K还是强一些,按百分比计算,Core i7-12700K的单核和多核性能分别领先Ryzen 9 5900X大约22%和11.2%。第二项是7-Zip压缩测试,分数越高越好。Core i7-12700K的得分为114分,Ryzen 9 5900X的得分为100分,按百分比计算,Core i7-12700K领先Ryzen 9 5900X大约13.8%。第三项是x265视频编码测试...
5700X vs i7-11700K specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important features of the i7-11700K and AMD Ryzen 7 5700X processors. These characteristics, together with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Number of cores /...
AMD RYZEN锐龙台式CPU处理器R7 7700X套装7800X3D R5 9 京东 ¥2659.00 去购买 5、3000-4000元 Intel酷睿 i7-14700KF 酷睿i7-14700KF CPU采用Intel 7工艺,16核24线程(8性能核+12能效核),采用全新Raptor Lake架构,性能核主频最高可达5.6Ghz,支持超频,无核显。 广告 英特尔(Intel) i7-14700KF 酷睿14...
AMD 5700X vsIntel i7-10700KF Similar processors use the same socket and architecture as 5700X and Intel Core i7-10700F. Specifications Please visitAMD Ryzen 7 5700XandIntel Core i7-10700Fpages for detailed specifications of both microprocessors. ...
5700X vs i7-11700KF specifications comparison The charts below demonstrate the difference between i7-11700KF and AMD Ryzen 7 5700X most important characteristics. These features, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a processor performs. The "Number of cores /...