Either the i686-pc-windows-gnu target should bundle mingw or some documentation around installing (there may already be this that im missing). Notes I have a 32bit dll I have to link to, which forces the use of the i686 target, and I also need to use winapi, which is messing up so...
rust 语言编译器.rust-1.15.1-i686-pc-windows-msvc rust-1.15.1-i686-pc-windows-msvc rust i686 pc windows msvc2017-02-27 上传大小:72.00MB 所需:19积分/C币 rust-1.61.0-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.msi 帮您省去代码繁琐而重复性很高的编译过程 官方的 Rust 独立安装程序包含一个单独的 Rust 版本,适...
Building fails with an error getting the VCTargetsPath On a 32-bit x86 Windows 10 system (build 19041.vb_release.191206-1406), where Rust is using the Visual C++ Build tools (rustup toolchain stable-i686-pc-windows-msvc), attempting comm...
经统计,i686-pc-cygwin-nm.exe 文件通常会出现在以下路径,以下是每一个路径的使用率: 100% c:\cygwin64\bin\ 提示:如果找不到软件安装路径,可以根据上面列出的信息,并将文件放在使用率较高的几个路径中。(注意哟:统计数据不能保证100%正确,仅供参考哈)...
As requested, here's another internal compiler error I just ran into. Targeting x86_64-pc-windows-msvc works fine but targeting i686-pc-windows-msvc causes a compiler error. Repro steps git clone http://github.com/microsoft/windows-rs cd...