arm-linux交叉编译环境搭建 打包 centos7 64位 搭建arm交叉编译环境 1、下载交叉编译工具链 wget 2、解压 解压到/opt目录下 xz -d gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4-9-2014-07_linux-tar.xz tar -xvf gcc-lin...
使用sudo apt-get install uuid-dev安装uuid开发接口后, 头文件/usr/include/uuid/uuid.h存在,但是li...
NDK R23 (not generating output after.a): "F:\android-ndk-23\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang++.exe" -target i686-none-linux-android "-Os" -flto=thin -c testarthematic.cpp -o testarthematic.obj & "F:\android-ndk-23\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\llvm-...
I don't suppose the reporters all happened to have upgraded to the broken bionic (i.e. Android upgrade) recently? no 2.29 still compiles and works fine What do you mean by this? Were you actually referring to coreutils 8.29? You mean its build with NDK 17 and clang works? Then it ...