i5 8400:则是一款标准的台式机处理器,其热设计功耗(TDP)为65W,相比i5 8400T在性能上可能更为强劲,但相应地,其能耗和发热量也会更高。 性能参数: 主频与睿频:i5 8400T的主频为1.7GHz,最高睿频可达3.3GHz;而i5 8400的主频为2.8GHz,最高睿频可达4GHz。这意味着在相同条件下,i5 8400能够提供更高的处理器频率...
Intel Core i5-8400 @ 2.80GHz,Intel Core i5-8400H @ 2.50GHz,Intel Core i5-8400T @ 1.70GHz 比较 - 那个强?
目前游戏性能性价比第..目前8700K国内价格,索性先入了个8400散片过度,到手发现8400性能也很可观,双11淘宝有几家8400散片+Z370M PRO4的套装,1994感觉可以入手了。I5 8400可算是牙膏厂近几年难
13th Gen Intel Core i5-13500T 611338分 94 AMD Ryzen 5 7600X3D 608796分 95 AMD Ryzen 5 7400F 605884分 96 AMD Ryzen 5 8400F 600093分 97 Intel Core i9-7940X 599626分 98 Intel Core i5-14400 596205分 99 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX 596125分 100 AMD Ryzen 7 5700X3D...
i5-8400H vs i5-8400T specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important Intel i5-8400T and Intel Core i5-8400H characteristics. These features, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a CPU performs. The "Number of cores / threads" graph show...
i5-8400B vs i5-8400T specifications comparison The graphs below show the difference between Intel Core i5-8400T and Core i5-8400B most important features. These characteristics, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a processor performs. The "Operating frequency...
I5 8400和i5 8400t有什么区别?想买个电脑,一个选择是台式机i58400一个选择是i58400t的一体机,价钱...