肯定是i5 8250U,两个都是低电压、14nm工艺的处理器,但性能差别不大 i5 8250U:是4核心8线程处理器;i5 5200U:是2核心4线程处理器;
100% 参数对比 名称Intel Core i5-5200U @ 2.20GHzIntel Core i5-8250U @ 1.60GHz 性能排名第2821名第1809名 得分2,5035,931 TDP15 W15 W TDP Down10 W 插槽类型FCBGA1168FC-BGA1356 核心数24 线程数48 主频2.2 GHZ1.6 GHZ 睿频2.7 GHZ3.4 GHZ ...
Intel Core i5-5200U @ 2.20GHz,Intel Core i5-8250U @ 1.60GHz,Intel Core i5-4278U @ 2.60GHz 比较 - 那个强?
苏宁易购为您提供戴尔(DELL)i5-5200U笔记本和小米(MI)Pro 15.6英寸全金属轻薄本笔记本电脑(i5-8250U 8G 256GSSD 2G独显 预装office 指纹识别 背光键盘 灰色)参数对比,让您了解戴尔(DELL)i5-5200U笔记本和小米(MI)Pro 15.6英寸全金属轻薄本笔记本电脑(i5-8250U 8G 256GSSD 2
The Intel i5-8259U officially supports DDR4-2400 memory, whereas the i5-5200U supports at maximum 1600 MHz data rate. Higher memory bandwidth ups performance in memory bound programs. Performance improvement in tasks, that are not memory-bound, will be lower. i5-5200U vs i5-8259U ...
苏宁易购为您提供戴尔(DELL)i5-5200U笔记本和华硕(ASUS)灵耀S 2代 15.6英寸三面微边超轻薄本笔记本电脑第八代英特尔®酷睿™i5(i5-8250U 8GB 256GB MX150-2G独显 冰钻金(S5300)参数对比,让您了解戴尔(DELL)i5-5200U笔记本和华硕(ASUS)灵耀S 2代 15.6英寸三面微边超轻薄
i5-5200U vs i5-8257U specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important characteristics of the Intel Core i5-8257U and i5-5200U microprocessors. These features, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Number of co...
i7-4950HQ i5-6440HQ i5-7300HQ Ryzen 3 2300U i7-8557U i7-4900MQ i7-3920XM i3-8100H i5-8250U i5-6350HQ i5-6300HQ i7-4850HQ i7-4800MQ Ryzen 3 3300U 奔腾8505 i5-8257U i7-4750HQ I7-3720QM Ryzen 3 2300U i5-1030G7 i5-1030G4 i7-4702MQ i3-1210U i7-4702HQ 赛扬...
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