i5-4460 vs i5-6500T specifications comparison The graphs below compare the most important features of the Core i5-6500T and Intel i5-4460 processors. These characteristics, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a CPU performs. The "Operating frequency" graph us...
Intel Core i3-4360T 137026分 436 Intel Core i5-3550 136073分 437 Intel Core i5-2500K 135421分 438 Intel Core i3-4170T 134261分 439 AMD FX -8120 133426分 440 Intel Core i5-4460T 132853分 441 Intel Celeron G5905 132745分 442 AMD FX -6300 132188分 443 Intel Pentium ...
i5 6500的核显相当于400块左右的显卡。 这个核心显卡的性能和GT630差不多,如果是按价格算的话就是400块左右,如果内存大一些话可以接近GT640 D3的显卡。
i5-4460 vs i5-6600T specifications comparison The charts below compare the most important characteristics of the Core i5-6600T and i5-4460 processors. These features, along with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Operating frequency" graph ...
Inter I5-6..这次入手了一台微型机,发现Inter I5-6500T,该U简直让我无语了象棋跑分 :步数 2565(什么都没开),对比倍速 5.35,。这种U配得上叫I5?没人帮忙分析分析吗?
I5 6500t不知..想换一个主板支持的cpu,就是玩玩云顶之弈平时,大神推荐下再不换其他配置的情况下换那个带核显cpu啊,迷你机箱装不了显卡
6500T是低压版, 功耗低, 性能也低6500是标准版功耗高 性能也强这是同系列处理强里面两个版本, 6500T一般由于功耗低常用于笔记本, 一体机或者迷你品牌主机里面. 6500一般用普通台式电脑上面, 功耗虽然高一点不过配个好点散热是没问题的.