Intel Core i5-3470S Intel Core i5-4570T General information Market segment Desktop Manufacturer Intel Family Core i5 Model number i5-3470S i5-4570T CPU part number CM8063701094000 CM8064601466203CM8064601481905 Box part number BX80637I53470S BX80646I54570TBXC80646I54570T Introduction date June 3,...
Intel Core i5-3470T @ 2.90GHz,Intel Celeron 3965U @ 2.20GHz,Intel Core i5-7200U @ 2.50GHz,Intel Core i5-4570TE @ 2.70GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Intel Core i5-4570T @ 2.90GHz,Intel Core i3-3220 @ 3.30GHz,Intel Core i5-4590T @ 2.00GHz,Intel Core i5-3470T @ 2.90GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Intel Core i5-3470 130757分 444 Intel Celeron G5920 130131分 445 AMD Athlon 200GE with Radeon Vega Graphics 130006分 446 Intel Core i5-3570S 129769分 447 Intel Core i3-4160T 129429分 448 AMD FX -6200 128944分 449 Intel Pentium G5500T 128135分 450 Intel Core i5-3450 12...
Core i5-3470 vs i5-4670 single-threaded benchmarks Single-threaded benchmarks run on a single CPU core, and do not depend on such features as the number of cores, or Hyper-Threading technology. Additionally, they do not utilize on-chip caches, dedicated to other cores. Intel Core i5-...
台式主机i5i7电竞游戏独显全套家用办公设计组装台式电脑主机批发 型号 套餐一:G2030/8G,/128G,办公入门、套餐二:i5,3470/8G/512G,商务办公款、套餐三,I5,4570/8G/256G(限时免费升级16G),商务办公性价比、套餐四:I7,4790/16G/256G,办公性能款、套餐五,I5,7400/16G/512G,中高端办公、套餐六,I7,7700/16G/512G...
十八核RTX4060海景房台式主机电脑组装DIY台式电脑全套 型号 套餐一:G2020/8G,/128G,前台影音,打印、套餐二:i5,3470/8G/256G,办公,网课、套餐三,I5,4570/8G/256G(限时免费升级16G、免费加装500G机械硬盘),商务办公热卖、套餐四:I7,4790/16G/256G,软件多开,办公性能款、套餐五,I5,7400/16G/512G,(限时免费加装...
Specifications: Operating Temperature: i5-4430 i5-4440 i5-4460 Dissipation Power: i5-3350P i5-3470T i5-3570T Customization: Yes Compatibility: Intel Core i5 8400 generation, Intel Core i5 4460 thread, Intel Core i5 2400, i5 3rd generation, i5 3470 with Windows 11 Performance: High-speed proc...
如题 分享4赞 配置吧 Smile_寂尐寞 i5 3470拉个4倍频是不是就比i5 4570好了。(不算核显)大神们求解答 分享32赞 电脑吧 小丸子没樱桃丶 我的i5 3470 没装独显 那么问题来了我觉得我的电脑好卡。win 7 64位系统 是不是内存条问题?才4G内存。是直接换8G内存条还是加多一条4G的呢?这样弄了会不会快点?
分享31 电脑吧 谢导谈情☜ 说句话实话,i53470虽然过时,但这块处理器的运行和稳定性能还是非常强大的,个人认为不差部分i7,欢迎大家开喷 分享216146 笔记本吧 GTX7970 想换笔记本的cpu i5 2410m换 i7 2720qm qs求拍醒 分享931 cpu吧 AKPRICE 笔记本i5 9600K 烤机+游戏评测新机器到了,水一波经验 +6 213632...