Core i5 3470其实是目前市场上Core i5 3450的替代型号,它的频率比Core i5 3450多了0.1GHz,睿频频率...
General infoPerformanceBenchmarksIntegrated grapMemoryFeatures 31 points 32 points Why is Intel Core i5-3470 better than Intel Core i5-3570? Why is Intel Core i5-3570 better than Intel Core i5-3470? 6.25% faster CPU speed ? 4 x 3.4 GHzvs4 x 3.2 GHz ...
Intel Core i5-3470Intel Core i5-4590 3DMark03 CPU score benchmark Uses DirectX software vertex shader to run Wings of Fury and Trolls' Lair games, and calculates a 3DMark03 CPU score based on averaged number of frames per second, achieved by the CPU/GPU combination. ...
benchmarked application, we calculated performance ratio between current microprocessor and the Core i5-3470, and then averaged the results. Overall performance of processors, marked with (1), was estimated using their specifications, and benchmarks of similar Intel Socket 1155 CPUs with Ivy Bridge ...
通过测试,游戏麒麟酷睿i5 3470核芯显卡平台在1280*720分辨率下运行尘埃3,平均帧数为60.99帧,最低帧数为46.15帧。 游戏麒麟酷睿i5 3470游戏测试:生化危机5 生化危机5拥有DX9和DX10两个版本,其中DX 9版对系统要求并不高,但画面同样优秀。测试采用了DX 9引擎版本,通过Benchmark程序进...
12345678910下一页阅读全文分页导航 1.四核神器游戏麒麟酷睿i53470测试 2.测试平台简介 3.PCMark7 4.3DMark11 5.CINEBENCHR11.5 6.SuperPI 7.FritzChessBenchmark 8.Wprime2.04 9.AIDA64 10.总结测试平台简介:本次测试平台CPU为酷睿i53470处理器,采用Z77芯片组的华硕P8Z77-VDELUXE主板。酷睿i53470采用最新Ivy...
Core i5-3470T242.9 GHz3.6 GHz512KB3MB35W+94% Core i5-3475S442.9 GHz3.6 GHz1MB6MB65W+96% Core i5-3550443.3 GHz3.7 GHz1MB6MB77W+98% Core i5-3550S443 GHz3.7 GHz1MB6MB65W+100% Core i5-3570443.4 GHz3.8 GHz1MB6MB77W+89% Core i5-3570K443.4 GHz3.8 GHz1MB6MB77W+98% ...
5.GPU部分除了在游戏图形方面表现出良好的性能外,在GPU运算上同样有相当好的表现,Sandra的GP运算、CR11.5的OpenGL运算提升都在30%以上,SVPmark的GPU测试甚至可以提升了65%,只不过传统通用计算Luxmark只提升了5%。6.除去纯GPU运算测试,CPU部分Core i7-4770比起Core i7-3770K只提升了大约6%,而加上GPU运算部分,...
低于平均的 用户评分: Nero Score第 135950,共 156812 条记录 844 评估 检查游戏性能 多媒体 一般 游戏 一般 系统信息 未知在2023-11-11 18:02:42提交 系统制造商Dell Inc. 系统产品型号OptiPlex 7010 处理器Intel Core i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz 核数4 ...
英特尔酷睿 i5-3470 四核处理器 3.2 GHz 4 核 LGA 1155售价约为 1160 元。不带显卡的 6 核和 4...