i5-2500K vs i5-4460T specifications comparison The charts below demonstrate the difference between i5-4460T and i5-2500K most important characteristics. These features, as well as an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a microprocessor performs. The "Operating frequency" graph...
台式电脑CPUi54460与i52500k哪个好?默频4460 2500k小超一下差不多,多超一点2500k更强 但是毕竟二代...
性能上来说是2550K好 毕竟能超频 但是2550K很老的东西了 架构不如4460那么新
Intel Core i5-4460 @ 3.20GHz,Intel Pentium Gold G5420 @ 3.80GHz,Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.30GHz 比较 - 那个强?
Core i5-2500 vs i5-4460 single-threaded benchmarks Single-threaded benchmarks run on a single CPU core, and do not depend on such features as the number of cores, or Hyper-Threading technology. Additionally, they do not utilize on-chip caches, dedicated to other cores. ...
【讨论】i5 250..2500K跑分我就不展开了,我这颗因为风扇是魔改的AMD“幽灵”螺旋 (Wraith Spire),转速最高只有2700转,再加上机箱是紧凑型ATX机箱——乔思伯U4,风扇最多就前2后1,有点闷罐子。
2500k小超一下差不多,多超一点2500k更强 但是毕竟二代比较老了,主板不好找,有条件还是选四代。
i5 3570真心不..首先默认i5 3570 四核3.6G,加上4倍频,4G。i5 2500k 四核 3.4G,超频4.5G, 4.5G对散热,cpu,主板,电源都有一些要求的就算4.5G吧。 好,那来看一下情
Intel Core i5-2500K 133886分 439 Intel Core i5-4460T 133635分 440 Intel Celeron G5905 132240分 441 AMD FX -6300 131714分 442 Intel Pentium G4500 131377分 443 Intel Core i5-3470 130757分 444 Intel Celeron G5920 130131分 445 AMD Athlon 200GE with Radeon Vega Graphics 1300...