系统AVC CPU 419 低于平均的 元宇宙 GPU 102 低于平均的 用户评分: Nero Score第174545,共 187900 条记录 582 评估 检查游戏性能 多媒体一般 游戏一般 系统信息 felix.quipot 在2024-03-31 19:56:30 提交系统制造商Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. 系统产品型号H97N-WIFI 处理器Intel Core i3-4160 CPU @ 3.6...
处理器Intel Core i3-4160 CPU @ 3.60GHz 核数2 线程数4 分数 比较替代方案 → 403 显卡NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 驱动30.0.14.9676 分数 比较替代方案 → 2838 更多 更多选择,找到适合您的装备 找到以类似方式执行的替代硬件,并检查升级是否值得。
Benchmark results for the Intel Core i3-4160T can be found below. The data on this chart is gathered from user-submitted Geekbench 6 results from the Geekbench Browser. Geekbench 6scores are calibrated against a baseline score of 2500 (which is the score of an Intel Core i7-12700). Higher...
另外,该软件同样具备了对处理器多线程的支持以及Benchmark测试功能。以下是i3-4160和FX6330 CPU运算能力测试结果。 7-Zip处理器运算测试 处理器性能测试方面,由于AMDFX-6330采用原生六核心的设计,在支持多任务的程序中性能表现值得肯定。无论是传统的基准测试,还是7-Zip等应用办公软件,在得分上均领先于Intel酷睿i3-4...
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti(1x)Intel Core i3-4160 Processor This benchmark test is no longer supported. Results from older, unsupported benchmarks might not reflect the true performance of the hardware. Cloud Gate 有效的结果 分数12 267和NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti(1x)和Intel Core i3-4160 ...
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050(1x)Intel Core i3-4160 Processor This benchmark test is no longer supported. Results from older, unsupported benchmarks might not reflect the true performance of the hardware. Sky Diver 有效的结果 分数14 464和NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050(1x)和Intel Core i3-4160 Processor...
RX 9070 XT vs RX 7900 XTX | 4K分辨率传统光栅和光追15款游戏测试 | 作者:BENCHMARKS FOR GAMERS 5906 2 00:44 App CS2内置参数让你帧数暴增 26.4万 307 03:30 App 怪物猎人荒野 森林关闭体积雾后才是真正的炸裂!满血画质 17.3万 400 03:53 App GTX1650S性能测试:2025年这张卡还能玩哪些游戏? 12.9...
Results for Core i3-4160 were approximated from test results of other microprocessors with the same core and microarchitecture. As a note, the approximation has greater error of margin than results obtained using real-world benchmarks. Additionally, this is an averaged performance, and the shown ...
i3-4160 vs i3-4370 estimated performance The charts in the section below demonstrate performance of Core i3-4160 and Core i3-4370 CPUs. Results for Core i3-4160 and Core i3-4370 were approximated from test results of other microprocessors with similar core and microarchitecture. As a note, the...
i3 4160在最新版本的CPU-Z、GPU-Z软件中也能被正确的识别出名称、参数等信息。 CPU部分的基准性能测试,使用常见Benchmark和应用软件进行: 在CPU性能测试部分,A8 7650K两胜一负 。而且目前的测试仅仅在A8 7650K的默认频率下进行的,由于英特尔低端CPU并不具有超频功能,所以继续挖掘A8 7650K的潜力相信A8 7650K还...