Intel Core i3-2350M (BGA) CPU on General specs Release date:2011 Microarchitecture:Sandy Bridge Core Name:Sandy Bridge Manufacturing Process:0.032 micron Socket Type:BGA1023 The Number of Cores:2 The Number of Threads:4
Intel Core i3-2350M (PGA) performance The table below shows average multi-threaded performance of the processor compared to other Socket G2 microprocessors with the same type of architecture. The performance value for many CPUs was determined from more than 10 different real-world benchmarks and...
Intel Core i3-2350M (PGA) notebook CPU: latest news, detailed specifications, benchmarks, side by side comparison, FAQ, pictures and more from CPU-World
Based on our estimates, the Intel Core i3-2350M microprocessor is 25% faster when running single-threaded tasks. It is estimated that multi-threaded performance of this CPU is better. The Core i3-2350M has AVX instructions enabled. These extensions are not broadly supported by programs yet, ...
Broadwell CPU: I3-5005U,I5-5200U,I5-5250U,I7-5500U. Memory Supports 1*NB-DDR3-2G memory channel;Having 2G,4G,8G RAM to choose;QM9400/QM9500 motherboard needs low voltage 1.35V memory. Hard Disk(Storage) Supports these h...
魔兽争霸 储存空间不足,无法处理此命令 我的机器系统是WIN7 CPU I3-2350 2.30GHz 内存 4G 显卡 GT...
原配置是I3 3110M+GT635M+500+2!当时老爸买的,3400,学校补贴1000,实际2400到手!上大学的时候升级硬盘和内存,128+1T,6G内存! 但是,现在I3真的不够用了!看个高清电影拖拽的卡,多任务切换也卡!所以决定换个CPU! 分享532 广州fc吧 😢吓我一跳 本来想升级个DDR4的主板换7代I3的,但是内存条难住我了前两年...
1 Year Warranty + $5.00 Shipping! Gently Used Dell (SR0DN) CPU Processor Intel Core i3-2350M Dual-Core Processor 2.30GHz 3MB cache CPU Proce Laptops.
Intel Core i3-2332M CPU on General specs Release date:2011 Microarchitecture:Sandy Bridge Core Name:Sandy Bridge Manufacturing Process:0.032 micron Socket Type:Socket G2 The Number of Cores:2 The Number of Threads:4 Multiprocessing:Not supported ...
Intel Core i3-2308M CPU on General specs Release date:2012 Microarchitecture:Sandy Bridge Core Name:Sandy Bridge Manufacturing Process:0.032 micron Socket Type:Socket G2 The Number of Cores:2 The Number of Threads:4 Multiprocessing:Not supported ...